Another new "acoustic" song...


New member
Hey guys,

I posted an "acoustic song" a couple of days ago that wasn't really all that acoustic. This one is a little more so.

I just realized that I messed up one part with pitch correction in the let that one slide :D. (Don't judge, I cant sing :P

I am having some issues coming up with harmony parts too, so any help there would be appreciated.

Other than that pick away and give me tips on whatever you'd like!


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Nice job. The instrumentals are nice and even and clear sounding. The vocals sound to me like they could use some light compression, just to smooth things out a bit. Overall, pretty good

I haven't really done any compression as of yet, mostly just a little subtractive eq.

The Ovation is not really a super acoustic for recording, so I am at a disadvantage there. :mad:
