Another Mix using some Different Techniques...


New member
Thanks to all who posted advice/ideas on my previous post, I have mixed another song a little differently than I have before. The song is here:
and is called "I Guess This is Goodbye."

I mixed the drums differently. On the other mix, I started with all mics up (kick, snare, Oh's, Toms, Room mic) and started to mix. On this tune, I started with the overheads up and just added the spot mics where they were needed for a little extra oomph or snap. Also, I didn't try to use a multiband compressor which was stupid, I think it sounds better. Also, I went WAY easier on the 'verb, only applying a little to the drums.

Please give it a listen if you have time and let me know what you think, all ideas are welcome.

Thanks in advance,
it sounded great on my headphones. When there is only one gtr playing, I think it needs to come up a bit....or add the verb(room sound) there, ONLY...panned opposite. I like the drum sound too...worked out ok. I like the bass sound too. Couldn't make out the vocals though....;)

Watch the sloppy recording on the VERY beginning and the ending fade out notes too...
yeah, I hate it when musicians stop the sustain on their instruments when the song is over and then complain that it doesn't sound "professional" enough. So, the single guitar part, is that when it is doing the palm muted part in what could be called the verse? I thought thast might seem a little off balance with the one guitar off to the side. What kind of 'verb would you use? Something short?

imacgreg said:
What kind of 'verb would you use? Something short?

the single gtr part, being like the ones at 0:55 and 1:47 and also at 2:04...the muted "verses" song ok to me.

yeah...something like a nice stereo hardwood room sound...or if you use a longer reverb, pan it opposite of your gtr track...would be two ideas.