Another mic for stereo?


New member

I have a Studio Projects B1, which is great but i want another mic so I can record in stereo..primarily for overhead drums. Should I get another B1?
What would it sound like if i paired the B1 with a different brand of mic?
And finally, does it matter if I get one with a different coloured dot?

Thanks a lot for any help!
Think of stereo as how you would naturally hear with your ears. Since your ears are somewhat identical, you would be best suited with identical microphones. A matched pair is better yet. I have no experience with that perticular mic but I normally use a pair of Shure SM81's which I love for acoustic guitar, piano and drum overheads ... good luck

Absolutely, Mr. Hairy. Get another B1. They're excellent OH mics. And if down the road you ever upgrade OH mics you can drop the B1's down to tom duties. B1's are also killer tom mics.

Check out this OH mic thread here at HomeRec from almost three years ago. The B1 still holds up.
What Dot said. If you order it on-line, why not CALL and see if the can "dot (output level) match" it for you? The color dot is on the warranty card.

Do consider the fabulous MSH-1O SDCs. I think he renamed the MSH-1A. Do a search here for the MSH-1A, there is a lot of buzz about how great these are for OHs.
ermghoti said:
If I bought a "matched pair" of mics as badly matched as my ears, I would sue.

Just sayin'.

:D True ...

Just like eyesight, over time differences will be more prevolent. And I'm sure some people are not even born with 20/20 vision or hearing. Generally speaking though, just to get the point across ....
apl said:
Do consider the fabulous MSH-1O SDCs. I think he renamed the MSH-1A. Do a search here for the MSH-1A, there is a lot of buzz about how great these are for OHs.

I just received mine in the mail and I'm disappointed* because they're actually smaller than their picture. I haven't had a chance to try them out yet but I do have the MSH-4 and the Karma Mini on order. Comparing them will be fun.


* Just kidding.