Another Line 6 XTPRO Sound sample


New member
Here's another wee snippit from the Tune ("Tsunami") I'm working on at the moment.

The clip is the transition between the synth/guitar intro - into the main rhythm section, that will have vocals added on top.

I'm using the Soldano amp sim on the Line 6 XT Rackmount modeller. I think the tones are OK/fine in the mix...still a tad harsh, but I'm working on it :)

I think a few more EQ tweaks and I can get it sounding quite reasonable.

Grim Ltd. said:
it sounds very good as for modeller sound. very natural :-)


Modellers 'are' getting better with each passing year....and the Line6 XTPRO (or Vetta II) are the best of the bunch on the market right now.

In a full MIX, it's really getting hard to tell the diff between a real amp mic'd up & a modeller....and don't let the TUBE merchants tell you otherwise! :D

Modelling isn't perfect, but it's getting much closer to the real thing.....and with such a variety of amp sims & FX available in one's becoming a very affordable alternative in the recording studio.

Yup! I must also agree...

Modeling technology is really getting good... and it's only gonna get better!

I have not sold my tube amps YET, but in a few years who knows!
