Another Killer Pawnshop Score !!!!


Active member
Just scored this today.Sennheiser 441 Dynamic mic and Audix OM-2 for $68.19 total. I got the Senn for $35 and the Audix for $25..The 441 sells for about $400-600 used on E-bay and run about $800-900 new.It's been a VERY good week for me.A '79 P-Bass, Senn 441 ,and an Audix OM-2 for a total of $248.19. Should I play the lotto Saturday?


I bought a MD421 for under $10 about 6 months ago...and sold the mics I bought along with it for an $1100 profit.

It was in a suitcase full of mics I bought for $125...there was 16-sm58s...7-sm57s...beta58 and the MD421...some beyers M88...M69.

I sold most of the SM58s and some of the other misc mics...and bought a line6 variax for $50...and I have a bit of a bank roll for when other things come up.
I bought a MD421 for under $10 about 6 months ago...and sold the mics I bought along with it for an $1100 profit.

It was in a suitcase full of mics I bought for $125...there was 16-sm58s...7-sm57s...beta58 and the MD421...some beyers M88...M69.

I sold most of the SM58s and some of the other misc mics...and bought a line6 variax for $50...and I have a bit of a bank roll for when other things come up.

What a KILLER score on all those mic's. Unfortunately I VERY seldom sell anything I find. I'm gear hoarder who's built up a collection of guitars,amps,pedals,mics and such for use in my home studio. My son is going to college for Audio Engineering and most of my equipment has come in very handy. Man I wish I would have scored that suitcase full of mics.:D