Another HS 2004 Question


New member
If I could trouble you Cakewalk experts with another question: I'm writing on behalf of a friend who has been using a "vintage" hardware sequencer along with an Ensoniq KS32. He has a nice Intel Pentium 4 PC running Windows XP so I finally convinced him to move into the computer DAW arena. He is going to buy Cakewalk Home Studio 2004. I recommended Cakewalk because I had briefly used Pro Audio 9 a few years ago and thought it was a solid and well designed DAW.

I use Digital Performer on a Mac. When I run my Free Midi setup, there are a number of files that cover different keyboards from different manufacturers. When my friend brought in his KS32 I added it to the Free Midi setup. Fortunately there was a file for the KS32 so that when I go to a track and select a sound the KS32 is listed along with all of the presets and banks that come with the unit.

Does Home Studio 2004, in whatever portion might be analogous to Free Midi, have a similar group of pre-made files that can be selected? If so, is there a file for the Ensoniq KS32?
