another acoustic!

I like the straightforward 2 ac guitar/ 1 vocal arrangement. It suits the song, IMO. Obviously the gtr solo section has 2 different gtr tracks but for the rest of it, is the 2nd gtr just delayed or is it tracked twice? I'd guess it's tracked twice with tight playing but not sure. Personally, I'd reduce the compression on the gtrs. They're getting squashed. IMO a multiband is more effective than a broadband compressor on acoustic gtr since it's most common that just the lowest few octaves of the gtr's frequency spectrum need control... allows you to do that without squashing the highs.

Better watch out, if you were in the US and sang the line "I like it when it's noisy when planes crash in the ground" might have the Homeland Security guys all over you. :eek:

I don't get the line, "I like it when there's no more English and rejoicing that ensued."

Good recording quality on the vocal. What'd you mic it with?

thanks for the comments.

its two guitar tracks basicly playing the same thing, but one of the guitars is playing that riff thing in a lower octave. theres also bass guitar in there :)

i'm using a plugin for the compressor, i'll need to find a multiband one like you mentioned, and give that a go.

the lyrics meant to go " like it when its noisy, like when planes crash in the ground".

and i'm guessing most ppl wont get the english thing, in australia sydney, everyone finished there very last enlgish exam.

thanks for the comments again, i'll have to give this multiband compressor a go.
this is going to sound stupid, i've never used a VST plugin before that i've downloaded.

how do i get this plugin to work in cooledit pro 2 ? sorry if its a stupid question, i really have no idea