Another 603/012 question.....


New member
I know this is all subjective...but for those who have heard both, if you could only pick one set, would it be the MXL 603 or the Soundroom Oktava 012?

I'm trying to expand my mic collection with a pair of small condensers for general use...overheads, acoustic instrument, neighbors having s....uuuuhhh, nevermind that:D

Harvey if you're reading, I'd like to have your input as well....I'd be very grateful.

I know they're different....but if you HAD to choose which would it be? Incidently, I'm leaning towards the MXL but that's just cuz I've used them and liked them.

Thanks guys,

Not much help from me because I've not used the 603 but I do own a pair of the Octavas.The one advantage I can see on the 012's are the three different capsules. And the fact that you can also upgrade it to a vocal mic with a LOMO 33mm capsule. On the other hand, Harvey says the 603 and 012 sounds very simalar and it's about 1/3 the price so the Behringer figures in if you need a omni. I guess I'm still biased towards the Octavas though.
Hey, on a different note, last night I picked up a Neumann KM-184.:D
Cool, Track....

I appreciate the opinion anyway...
I DO like the idea of changing capsules though. I didnt even think about getting 3 mics in one (added cost, I know). I have the Behringers already, though. I got those right away as per Harvey's suggestion. I know Harvey said the 603 and the 012 are close but I wonder HOW close when it comes down to it, ya know?

Incidently, how you diggin' the KM-184? Cool purchase indeed...I just got a 4033 that I am in love with...kills my NT1 hands down for overhead and vox. I'm thinking about getting another one for stereo use, actually.

So far, with what little fooling around with it as I could get in last night, it kicks some serious ass. I tried it next to all the small dia. condensers I have (Octava, Earthworks, AKGs, ATs, even my old Tascams) and surprise, surprise, it's the clear winner. VERY cool.
I found them to be so similar, that if I needed to use a 1/2" pair of cardioids for something, I'd grab whichever pair was handy. On specific instruments, they may not sound 100% identical, but it's a crap shoot as to which one might be better.

The advantage to the Oktavas is that they're part of an expandable system, giving you 3 patterns plus the use of the big Lomo head for vocals.

If you just wanna stop with 2 small cardioids, the 603Ss would be my choice for keeping the budget in check.
Do you think they are close enough to where, if I needed an extra mc012 for stereo micing, I could just save some money and match it with a Marshall instead?
Wow, that's a tough question to answer. But it's a good question.

If I were using them as wide spaced drum overheads, I'd do it in a New York minute, but I might be a little concerned using them as an X/Y pair. I'm really gonna hafta try the two of them that way to see just how close they really are to each other.

When I tested them, they sounded pretty damn similar, but close enough to be used as a matched stereo pair for a critical recording? Hmmmm. I'm not 100% sure about that.
i think the oktavas are really not worth it if you already have a pair of 603s, and are considering getting a pair of ecm 8000s, a situation i'm also in.
if you get two 603s and two ecm8000s, you'll probably pay about $200. i got my 603s for $110 a pair. you can get the ecm8000 for $36. so you get omni and cardioid patterns, and you can use all of the 4 micsl at the same time for $200. whereas if you decide to get the oktavas with multiple capsules, you'll be paying $649 for 2 mics.
all you will be missing is the fig-8 pattern, and i already have another mic with that capability, perhaps you do to. besides i only use it for ms stereo recordings, so the extra cost can't be justified to me.
take this with a grain of salt though, as i have never heard the oktavas, but i trust harvey when he says they sound very similar.
