Annoying startup problem


New member
Every time I load up Cubase SX 3 I get this window

As you can see I have selected the necessary soundcard for the first input, in this case being the ASIO er... thing.... to help my latency problems on mycheap soundcard. anyway thats not important, what is annoying me is that this pops up every time. Being a complete noob to preferences and gear setup i need to know how to choose the same settings every time i load up the software automatically! how i worked in the past was manually changing each of these 8 tracks. But what if i want a 9th track, how do i know when i insert one, its going to be set up in this way?

thanks in advance! i know its going to be something pretty obvious....

If you go in the menu "Devices" -> "VST connections" there you can remove those unused inputs in the "Inputs" tab. So next time you will open Cubase, it won't ask you again! ;)