Annoying Automation Issues


Hello everyone, I got Cubase LE5 a week ago and I'm pretty familiar with DAW recording in general. I love how the automation can do anything; however I am having issues with it misbehaving. Say I have some automation set for one of my sends on a particular track, to enable/disable it. Read is enabled, write is disabled. Then I might use ALT+Click to make multiple splits on that track in order to adjust timings or to delete empty areas from recording. Next time I play it back, all of a sudden the send has been switched on where it isn't supposed to be. I go back to the automation, and every single place that I split the track has a dot on the automation line. And something causes it to create dots on the other side too, which switches stuff on that I don't want. I can easily fix this, but it's extremely annoying to have to go back and delete a thousand edits on the automation track. I feel like I'm doing something wrong here.

Also, if I have automation data farther down on the automation track, using the pencil tool won't allow me to make a change like normal. Usually it makes the shape of the automation go in a right angle to the point I click at, but instead it creates a line that just goes to that point and back. Again, this only happens when I have automation events taking place anytime after it.

Any suggestions?