And The Words Came Easily - Instrumental Rock Project


New member
Hey guys, has anyone else found promoting instrumental music extremely hard?

If I'm honest though, the genre I fell into is pretty much dead.

But here is my project 'And The Words Came Easily'.

In short it is an instrumental rock project verging onto the post rock scale on some songs but some are a little more heavy and one song that I have been writing lately has a very melodic almost techy metal thing going on.

I didnt set out to write 'post rock' I simply wrote a lot of music that was instrumental for a long time but most of it went towards the heavier side and really felt like it needed vocals. So one day I sat down and wrote a piece that didnt necessarily need vocals and got some great feedback from alot of people so I just stuck at it.

These recordings are not polished. I have no mixing or mastering experience so for the sake of this thread please try to only comment on the composition itself.

All feedback is good feedback so let me know what you think. But for now, as a new member I'm going to go check out what you guys have been up to.

Many thanks

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Whoa, this is really good. I think if you go on like this and become better known you could sell it for use in movies. That's where I imagine this track being used!
Don't know what your goal is, though. If it is to just make instrumental music that's interesting to listen to without the vocals you're also very right on track, though it may be a personal opinion but I'd like a lead that's a bit more dominant in instrumental music like this.

Still you did a very good job! I really like it!
Thanks alot! I really appreciate it. There are plenty more songs where that came from if you liked what you heard. Just take a look on the soundcloud page. I have thought about film etc but if I'm honest, I havent really thought about goals as such. Although I am now thinking it could be cool to play this kinda stuff live with a band so thats something I'm looking into right now.

Thanks again.
Gorgeous! I'm a big fan of instrumental music; you don't have to worry about who's going to listen and get offended. We need more family friendly rock out there!

Followed and shared on FB!

I just finished a FREE 6-wk online Intro to Music Production course @ Berklee College of Music through Not sure when the next one starts, but you might really enjoy it. The networking was amazing, too! 50,000+ musicians across the globe all studying, sharing, and learning together.
Thank you very much for that! I'm hopefully going to have the bandcamp up and running soon with the finished version of that track (possibly tomorrow?) up for free download. All I need to do now is work out how to add all the artist, song etc data onto a .wav file so I can release it properly.
Great instrumental work. Did you record all of the instruments yourself? You have a good ear for melody. You should look into film licensing. Just make the right contacts and you could do this full time.
Hey sorry for being away for so long! Ive been crazy busy. I have re worked everything! Bought a mac with logic, bought superior drummer so i can get better drum sounds and have worked really hard on the mixing/mastering side of things. Check the soundcloud for the latest stuff, i think you will agree its a massive improvement.
And thanks victor! I honestly have no contacts and dont even know where to start but that would be a dream for me! I recorded the guitars myself and the bass but the drums were ezdrummer but on the new stuff its superior drummer. I have also recorded violins and harp live for the newest track.

Any feedback appreciated :)