anbody know the company who made this?


New member
i found this in the garage today. its a les paul copy but it looks rather old.
my dad acquired it about ten years ago after a friend of his died.

anybody know who made this guitar? (link below)
Does it have a bolt-on neck?

If so, it's probably an Ibanez, Aria, Westone, Greco, or some other Japanese copy.
any ideas what else it could be?

I've searched through a million images trying to see if i can find a match on the headstock but to no avail.
Harvey Gerst said:
It's NOT an Ibanez.

Harvey is right, it's most likely a Matsomoku product like the ones I previously mentioned... Like Aria, Westone, or possibly even a Penco.

Ibanez Les Paul copies had set necks and were made by Hoshino.

Does the neck plate say "STEEL ADJUSTABLE NECK" on it in capital letters and "Made in Japan" just below that?

If so, it's defiinitely Matsomoku... circa 1971 to 1975.

Those copies were actually quite good and will fetch a lot of bids on Ebay.
Is it just me or does that look like an Epiphone headstock?
Buck62 said:
Harvey is right, it's most likely a Matsomoku product like the ones I previously mentioned... Like Aria, Westone, or possibly even a Penco.

Ibanez Les Paul copies had set necks and were made by Hoshino.

Does the neck plate say "STEEL ADJUSTABLE NECK" on it in capital letters and "Made in Japan" just below that?

If so, it's defiinitely Matsomoku... circa 1971 to 1975.

Those copies were actually quite good and will fetch a lot of bids on Ebay.

The neck plate is blank.

I have an antoria les paul copy floating around and that feels like a bag of shite compared to the unknown one.

The build quality is excellent. It feels like a quality guitar. Its got a nice weight to it.

The headstock looks as if its been refinished though.

All the hardware feels and looks of good quality too. The pickups sound absolutely great for a copy.

I've also took the neck off and had a look on the body cavity and on the bottom of the neck for any markings or date stamps and there seems to be nothing there.

anymore pointers in the right direction would be great.
