Analyzing a room...


New member
I recently read somewhere that you can get a spectrum analyzer, a mic, and a white noise generator and measure you're tracking room to see what frequencies are where and then use an E.Q. to adjust them so that they are flatter.

Is this true?

I live in an apartment and when I record, I take my stuff to other places to do it. Would this equipment be a good investment for me so that I have more consistant recordings in terms of frequency?


There have been a lot of posts like this lately.No,it is not a good idea to use an EQ to "fix" the room resonances and peaks.You run into phase problems that way.
Better to acoustically treat the room instead.That involves curtains,foam,egg-crates etc. for the highs and bass traps for the lows.
I read the same article. In Electronic Musician, right?

Anyway, the concept of analyzing the room seems good but I don't feel comfortable correcting it with an EQ. However, whose to say you cannot analyze the room and then fix the room with diffusion, absorption, etc??

That would seem the better route to take.