Analog to Digital Converter with S/PDIF


New member
I currently have a firepod and was considering buying another one to daisy-chain them. After considering my options, I was wondering if I would be able to buy some kind of analog to digital coverter with just analog ins and an S/PDIF out. I would like to be able to buy some different preamps and use those along with the firepod's included 8. I'm not sure if they make this sort of thing, but everything is being made nowadays. Also, I don't really wanna spend more than 500 dollars. Can you guys help me out?
You guys are awesome, i'm gonna look into all these suggestions. Also, is there anything with any more inputs? Maybe 2, 3, or 4?
One more question, I'm using Cubase LE with my firepod. When the converter is plugged into my firepod and I've got the clock source set for S/PDIF, will Cubase recognize each track seperately coming in?
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