Analog Mixer To Laptop.


New member
Alright Guys,
I'm new to this website as well as recording, i have been playing guitar for 12 years now classical and metal. I am having a few issues so far and im sure many more to come haha. But anyways....

I have a Behringer UB2442FX-Pro Mixer 16 Channel I picked up cheap and it works wonderfully when i use it for live sound through my power amp and speakers, but lately i have been wanting to lay down some drum tracks and whenever i record them through the mixer into my laptop i'm getting some super fuzzy not natural noises..

I have my drum mics into channels of the mixer rca into my microphone slot on my laptop because it is not a USB mixer.. any ideas???

If it makes a difference i have tried multiple softwares, Reaper, Cubase, Audition..
I have checked all the mics they work great, the cables arent cheap they work great..

Help Please It's So Stressful...
Yeah, if you're doing what I think you're doing, then you're ending up with just a stereo wave form that sounds like ass, right?

To do this right, you need some kind of audio interface between your mixer and your computer. If you had, for example, a TASCAM US 1800 or similar, then you'll go out from the individual channels of your mixer to the individual channels of that interface, and then into your DAW software. If you're mic'ing a drum kit with 6 mics, you'll have 6 tracks in Reaper or whatever.

What you're trying to do now is to turn an analog signal into a digital signal with no converter. That won't work. Since you have a laptop, you can probably get an interface with either firewire or usb connection...I recommend the USB for laptops as firewire connections on lappy's are famously buggy if you don't have the right chipset.

Also, I could be wrong about all of that....I'm just trying to help.
Hey Guys,
Ya your absolutely right, an interface is the true way to go, i appreciate the quick replies and the Tascam US 1800 has been recommended many times to me. Ya i noticed that i couldn't separate the tracks between each mic. The mixer seems to be sending only a stereo kind of feed, where as i could spread the tracks out individually with an interface which would give me a much better angle for mixing, recording, and so on. Thanks A Lot!
Hey Guys,
Ya your absolutely right, an interface is the true way to go, i appreciate the quick replies and the Tascam US 1800 has been recommended many times to me. Ya i noticed that i couldn't separate the tracks between each mic. The mixer seems to be sending only a stereo kind of feed, where as i could spread the tracks out individually with an interface which would give me a much better angle for mixing, recording, and so on. Thanks A Lot!

Cool. If you get that Tascam, you can ditch the mixer and you probably should. You can EQ after recording and you'll avoid a whole stage of gain, so that's less noise.