an sport (energic) music-orginal mix


New member
and finaly its my Completed work :)

our football team Removed from world cup but our volleyball is very good :) and it can be for them as is for our football team

and i have to say i made this for fun

daw=fl 11

and just fl vsts

and you can hear one of iranian instrument in this music (daf) (i used the wav sample of that)

you can see this address for more information about it

Daf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you can hear it in 1:8 until 1:30

iam wating for your comments about this work

View attachment iran-mohammad.mp3
The mix is too loud (it clips like crazy), the synth sound is too bright, and the arrangement is too repetitive. The daf's cool, but you have to make it more prominent, bring it out more. One thing you could do is turn everything else down when the daf comes in - mute some parts so it gets heard better. The crowd sound's a good idea, too - it adds some excitement to a pretty predictable club tune.