Amplifier for Refrence Monitors


New member
Oh Great And Powerful BBS Posters...

OK, enough of the brown nosing, on to my question.

I have found a lot of GREAT advice on choosing nearfield monitors, which is great, and I am thinking I should go with passive ones for a number of reasons. That leaves me with a decision to make as far as amplifying them. I can't seem to find ANYTHING in the way of advice on how to make a decision, or reccomendations (God, I can't spell) on a particular brand and/or model.

Anybody have any ideas?


Until last week this thread wouldn't have mattered to me...I have a custom Knight Electronics amp built for mastering back in the early 70's....sssssssssPop! hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssclickssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss....Dang :mad:

When Vintage gear goes bad!

Oh well, Im thinking about a new one to.

What about the Sampsons and the Alesis brands? Im not looking for good, just one I can get by with for a few years :p

Ahhhh... Ok.

That sucks, nothing like blowing a nice vintage piece only to find out you can only afford to get by on Alesis for a while. I might just look into rebuilding my Knight instead. I imagine some of the capacitors have dried out on top of popping the rev switch. I think still have the schems laying about. A bryston would be ok if I didn't have so much else going on financially. Custom one off's are killing me now that Im broke!

Thanks for the commentary Blue...

Ask and you shall recieve, even if you are not sure how to spell "recieve" without a spell checker...

Much thanks for your replies. This whole site is too cool, especially the board here. Last question on this. Well, for now, anyway...

When searching online for an amp, do I call it a "Refrence Monitor Amp" or "Mixing Amp", so as to avoid getting results on 1Gajillion Watt power amps (Y'know, for use in, say, Giants stadium) and other amps that are nowhere near what I am looking for?


Initially these are really expensive amps but used they can be had for as little as a cheap hafler, alesis etc...

look in pawn shops and the classifieds for these. Be sure and test it before you take it home.
BRYSTON amplifiers.
Haflers are good in comparison.

Hey I happen to own a 1U Samson amp to power my RCA "cubes"! It works fine for that purpose.

another Samson user here...fits into the plan, as once I get the duckets together to get hold of the Mackie 824s with sub, the Samson will quietly become my cue/headphone amp...

In all reality, the Samson is pretty dern good for what it is, how much it (doesn't) cost, and project studio with nearfields....

I've seen a lot of Brysons, more Crowns, a few BGWs, in other most other things, once you know your equipment's limitations and abilities, new worlds open up that may not carry snob appeal but work very well for you...

Me? I'de look seriously at a Samson...
BTW, you're searching for "power amp". I have to say I got really good service out of a Samson Servo 150, but switched to a Carver PM125 d/t impedence matching issues. It was a cheap, quiet, reliable amp, and the Haflers in my price range were not bridgeable to 8 ohms mono, which I needed. I do,t drive reference monitors with them, but I do need power amps.-Richie

Just to update all the kind folks here on the BBS,...

I just (FINALLY) purchased a HAFLER P1000 which will be powering Tannoy PBM 6.5 monitors. I think I did OK, the speakers were $150.00, and the Hafler was 137.50, including shipping. Now I just have to figure out how to get the speakers situated in the proper position around me without throwing out my desk....

Thanks to everyone for your advice!

BTW, why did I end up with the Hafler over say a Samson or Carver (In case you were wondering)?

Basically I was able to find the Hafler within my price range when I got the all important tax refund from uncle Sam!
I'm in a power amp need situation as well.

was going to go with Hafler P3000 (used, will probably end up around $200-250)
but found a Carver PM-175 for $200 (used ofcourse)

between Hafler and Carver who would you vote for?

it's going to have to multi-purpose 'til I get another power amp later to power: yorkville ysm1-i monitors, and a 4x12 cab when we do gigs.

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