Ampeg 8x10"... What head to drive?


New member
I *may* get a pretty nice Ampeg 8x10 for $200. What amp would you use to drive it? I play a wide range of styles from classic rock to metal to punk and blues. How do the Hartke Heads treat you guys? (I'd need to keep the price relatively low, either buying used to inexpensively new. Somewhere around $400, maybe $500? eBay is definately an option...)
I don't play much bass....even though I need to.......but I hear good things about Kustom. I don't have a clue how much they are.
....thats right.......


Seems to me that is what they are known for........I think they sell more bass equipment than guitar trash.........coughcoughcough.....excuse me....crate......cough
In guitar land the word speaker impedence aka OHMs will kick you ass when you have to split it up. Make sure they match or something like that.
The Hartke head is a totally different kind of sound than the Ampeg cab... Try to match to cab with an Ampeg (or Kustom, nice amps as well). See if you can get the cab to your local music store and try some heads.
Buying something unheard is probably gonna end bad.

LocusLarsen said:
....thats right.......


Seems to me that is what they are known for........I think they sell more bass equipment than guitar trash.........coughcoughcough.....excuse me....crate......cough

Got a problem with Ampeg/Crate?
I run an Ampeg 810 with my Hartke 3500 350 watt sounds like treats...I like the versatility of the head....and well, we all know that the 810 Ampeg cabs are 2 cents...Greg
simpleblue said:
Can I ask why?

Sorry PFDarkside, I don't mean to screw up your thread but I'm curious.

My god! Did you take that last post in the other thread personally?

I will not dignify that with an answer. Anyone here like Crates guitar amps?
No I didn't take anything personally. I just don't know what you have against Crate. I bought my first amp 10 years ago. It was a Crate GX130C, a 2x12 combo. I recently removed the amp from it and placed it in its own head, and now use it to power a 4x12 Ampeg cab with Vintage 30s. It sounds amazing! I have used hundreds of amps over the years and never found one that I could make sound as good as this one.

BTW, I'm sure its just a matter of personal taste, as is anything dicussed in this forum. I also dislike Marshalls very much.
I had that same amp. The only reason I bought it was because I got my first real pay check from my first real job, and could not wait to get my second pay check for something better. That was the biggest and most powerfull thing I could get. Young and dumb. But that amp sucks.

The distortion....pfft. Please. Sounds like radio static.

The clean....

whats that.....

I can't hear you....

I got these ear muffs on.....
LocusLarsen said:
I had that same amp. The only reason I bought it was because I got my first real pay check from my first real job, and could not wait to get my second pay check for something better. That was the biggest and most powerfull thing I could get. Young and dumb. But that amp sucks.

The distortion....pfft. Please. Sounds like radio static.

The clean....

whats that.....

I can't hear you....

I got these ear muffs on.....

I know why yours didn't sound as good as mine. Other than personal taste, I also had celestions put in mine. I know which speakers went into it originally, and you're right, they sounded pretty darn weak. But the speakers make all the difference sometimes.

Once again PFDarkside, I didn't mean to take over your thread, but to throw my two cents in...

Ampeg - Good
SWR - Not bad
Gallien-Kruger - Good
Kustom - Good

Just my opinion, though.
i just picked up an UNBELIEVABLE mesa d-180 for $575 shipped on ebay. all tube, 200 watts (so loud.....solid state watts have got nothing on tube). the amp is incredibly warm soudning, has that fat valve tone all the way. an incredibly repsonsive eq, and great effects loop arrangement. its a heavy fucker though, 45 pounds, 4 rack spaces. it was made in 1982 (and can be used for guitar too, doesn't osund bad at all, kinda mark iv'ish). i'd recommend it to anyone.
