amp limiters

I'm not sure, that's why I'm asking.
I heard somebody talking about the Universal amp limiter yesterday. Got me curious.
The gist I get is you put it between preamp and recorder and it helps give you a fat sound without clipping.

I'm thinking someone here must be in the know. Anybody....??
a limiter is basicly a compressor with a very high ratio. you usually cant adjust the attack and release, and since the ratio is set, it is mostly used to stop transients from clipping your recorder. generally it should be hardly working, but i guess if you wanted it for an effect you could squeeze the life out of something
well, generally, yes. when using it for an amp a limiter can help prevent the amp from distorting. when an amp distorts you can start blowing up speakers in a hurry. on the other hand, usually only semi-pro types have limiters built in to them. i am specificly thinking of the peavey CS series of amps. so it depends on how much money you want to spend:you (generally)wont find a limiter in a high end amp