ambientunes - new stuff


New member
hi guys,

nothing much has happend recently as for the new recordings. I managed to record just one piece. so much to do at work and you know ... life is speeding up and less and less time for pleasure.

Ok. here you have the latest piece. maybe nothing special but have a look, maybe you could coment on this what should be changed, removed, remixed or remustard ;)

Hello again
Good to hear some of your music again.
The piano sound is very nice & is well played.
The melody veers from very lounge jazz to a very nice balladic line.
The drum program cruises along well & the sound samples are pretty good too.
Who's playing on this one?
The chord progression with the acoustic guitar behind it is very effective.
The harmony lines with the horn sample or good too.
the mix is well settled too. I was a little confused for a moment when I heard right hand piano notes in my left ear - I'd been flowing & listening & had a piano image in my head when the keyboard did a flip flop to my image.
Mate, I have to say that you produce great vocal stuff & it's been a while since I heard anything with a voice on it from you.
Obviously you're busy but I'd love to hear some more stuff with the fantastic ensemble you had for Tribute some day too.
Anyway, good work as usual.
Nice to hear from & of you.

Very nice tune and a solid arrangement. Very crisp chord work on the piano....Solid drum programming with some very nice percussion tones. Liked the groove. About the only nit I could pick is perhaps the pads get a little heavy from time to time...this is something that I struggle with too. That being said, I am on phones this morning...which are probably overstating the pads as I listen. I'd like to hear that snare move around just a bit instead of laying on 2 & 4've got good programming chops, so this is probably just the way you want it and I can understand wanting to lean into that groove. Just a personal preference. :cool:
Nice counter melodies on the bell tones....
The mix seems very, very lush. Nice balance all around and the kick and bass lock up very solid.

Excellent tune...I thoroughly enjoyed it. :cool:
Really nice tune. I love the arrangement.

What keyboard(s) are you using to produce your music?
Hello guys, Thanks a lot for so good words. I am so glad you like this piece. :)

RayC --> a private message is waitin' for you :]

TeyshaBlue --> you're right. the snare could be more sofisticated. I should work on this. With time it may become boring or even tiresome.
What I like it that the mix is acceptable even though I spent much less time with it than with other tunes. Probably this is because I've been using the event studio 8 monitors I bought a couple of months ago. Before, mixing on my samsung PC speakers was a disaster.

Fishmed_Returns --> I am not sure if you're asking about my keyboard (yamaha p-90 stage piano) or samples I use. As for the samples - there are lots of them e.g. spectrasonic atmoshpere, kirk hunter - strings, rmx, hardcore bass, colossus etc.

thanks again
Congrats on the new monitors. Those Events are very nice. I've mixed on that model before and have nothing but good things to say for them. :cool:
Did I mention I like this a whole lot & that you are an ace mixer?
Oh, I did!
I like this a whole lot & that you are an ace mixer
There! I said it again.
hi guys

I took to my hart what TeyshaBlue said about the pads and worked a bit on them. Indeed, the piece need some more space which the pads took. Now it's better balanced in my opinion. I imporved the bass section too.
Please redownload the tune to see the difference.

ace mixer sounds good, probably too good as for me and about me, it's not so difficult to mix it right, all you need is some good samples - this is the base for everything, so when you got it, mixing it right is no as difficult as one might think, but right is what I can make it now which means - acceptable. It's far behind D.Grussin mixes or Rus Freeman tunes etc. I wish my songs were mixed by any of them, have an opprtunity to look at the insert and send chanells, and of course compare the quality of final mixes.
btw - a whole lot? it means you like or not? ;) never seen such an expression, nice though.

hi guys,

I've uploaded the_beginning after using Waves SSL 4000 plugs. It sounds now pretty good in my opinion.
Have a look:

Wow, some very nice development - the new plugs do lift things.
I like it "a whole lot" would equate with the Americanism "a whole bunch" both of which are just exaggerations of "a lot" or "very much".
I like the sustained chord at the end too.
Great work as usual - good to see you've taken the time to relax & do what you do so well.
this time - the PSP

hello guys,

the beginning once again. sorry for torturing you with the same piece so long but ... you know, I want it to sound extremely good.
I thought the SSL would be it but I was wrong probably. I used the PSP VintageWormer you see what I got. As for me, it sounds better than after the SSL and BTW PSP is my native company from Poland. I am really proud of those guys because they are doing good job. I really recommend their plugins especially the vintagewormer and mastercomp.

ok, this may be the latest mix ... but it doesn't have to :)

RayC - I will use this expression because it sounds so unusual and so gramaticly incorrect that I love it :]

kind regards