Amanda Palmer - Map of Tasmania (M.O Remix)

Being from Tasmania, the title intrigued me.

I listened to the remix, and to the YouTube clip.

I reckon it would go okay at a dance, and it,s not bad for a first remix.

But it wasn't as musically well-balanced at as the YouTube clip. Overall, it had a 'pumping' kind of sound, which is probably a consequence of over-compression. The vocals were interesting, but sat a little too far back for my liking, and there was a strummy kind of sound which I thought was too dominant.

The video clip had dynamics, variation, vocal clarity and a lot of texture, and I'd like these elements to be present in a remix.
Not being from Tasmania, but being Australian, I do get the 'map of tassie' reference (especially now that I've seen the YouTube clip!)....

Agree with the geckoman (as usual) - that pumping you have is really hard to listen to after a while... could just be the way you've assembled the samples though... it does have the most interesting Soundcloud wav picture I've ever seen, however...
Cool enough. Not my musical thing, but I thought there was a lot going on to keep it interesting.

Check the level on that kick. I'm on headphones and it's really loud. On big speakers I'm guessing it sounds awful.
Yeah the kick is too loud and distracts from the great vocals and synths. Vocals are a wee bit too far back in first section(s) but the second section(s) sound good level wise. Good rocking dance tune and the vocals make it truly shine!
Karen Pini - the original Map of Tasmania.
You lost me with the vocal effect refrain in the 1st few seconds.
I didn't mind the rest of it at all.