(am I) Screwed?


New member
I just bought a Eurorack MX1604 mixer and 4 Shure SM57s. I have my Midiman Delta66 attached and Cooledit pro all ready to record, but one problem...
See the problem is that I want each SM57 to have it's own channel in CoolEdit, to do this I have to take the lineouts from the mixer and plug them into the line in of the breakout box of Delta66. But the biggest problem is:
The friggin mixer doesn't have a seperate output for each channel!! What the hell am I going to do? The only outputs I can see on the mixer are:
Control room out, 2 track out, main output l/r, main output balanced r/l and Alt output R/4 L/3
HEEELLLPPPP! www.behringer.de/eng/products/eurorack/mx1604a.htm
S8-N warned us all about this sort of thing many months back when he recommended the Alesis 12R.
Sounds like enough for 4 mics. Still- direct outs are much simpler to use when all you want to do is use the preamps in the mixer.
My take on how to do this from reading the manual is to use the main out for mics 1 and 2 and use the alt output for mics 3 and 4 by muting the channels where 3 and 4 are plugged in. But this is just a guess.
Good luck. Here's a clip from the manual:

>By depressing the Mute button a channel’s >output will be routed to the Alt 3-4 output >instead of the Main Mix.
>Level to the Alt 3-4 outputs (TRS jacks on >the back panel) is adjusted by....

>Alt 3-4 is likely to bewilder newcomers.
Yup, I just read that in the manual too. Well, too bad that I wasn't here 2 months ago but I didn't have many options while buying this mixer anyway. So the alt outputs take care of channels 3 and 4, and maybe with a little panning on the main mix I should be able to get 4 seperate outputs...

Thank god, that's a relief...
This may be a dumb question . . . but, can't you use channel inserts for channels one thrugh four ? I'm not familiar with the mixer so maybe it doesn't have them.

the behringer hasnt got any sub groups
so you cant go out of your rack...
and going into a channel insert definatly doesnt help, ive tried.

What about the Aux Send , I know that it's just 2 of them but I think you can use them as 2 PreAmp ( control all 4 cannel's level seperatly but get only 2 channels for output).