Am i good at rapping?

Ummmm... This has to be a spoof right!?? A Joke!! You pokin fun right atifit? Please tell me this is a joke
Ok here it goes Besides the accents (which kills most aspiring rappers) I would have to say it is not that good to put it kindly. And Im not HATTING! Im being honest. The flow is not smooth or tight (tight meaning on timing with the beat), its not catchy. kind of washy if you know what I mean.

The lyrical choice amateur to say the least, case and point Tyga Wish "Loving this world and wanna be loved back, but what they do is look in each others RACK!!???? :laughings:...Im done lol CASE CLOSED lol you cant be serious for even posting those lyrics..Tell me this was a joke to have fun antifkt PLEASEEEE!!!! lol
You should know something... When we emcees hear that someone is making covers of other rappers we just laugh at him.. you are asking: why? just because no one will give you respect for spitting someone else's verse.. that's called a wanna be.. and it tells us that you are not interested in lyrics, and if you are not interested in lyrics you'll probably just compose lines like this: "yo bitch fuck me cuz I'm rich" , and that's shit, we want to hear ill punchlines, complex metaphors.. we want complex rhyme schemes not nursery rhymes... ADIOS and PEACE
yo i think your pretty dope. I personally would suggest making something origanal verses to doing a bunch of cover. keep your grind up
If you rap over other peoples (already licensed) beats, it will always be commercially harder to sell.

As for your raps, you need energy!! You need to sound like you mean what you're saying in your raps. For example, listen to this. You can tell at points that he really means what he's saying. Try double tracking your vocals (ie. Singing the same part over the other). It will give it a little more energy. Listen to this part of this song (by me :P)

Finally, don't take what anyone say's too seriously. If a single post puts you down, you won't get anywhere. No one expects anyone to be perfect from the start.
can't tell if troll or just horrible


You forgot the picture ;)
Record yourself rapping on one track, then make a new track, mute the first one, and rap again on the second track. Then unmute the first track and play around with the volume, pan, compressor, eq etc

Personally I like to take the second track and lower the volume, pan it a tad to the left or right.

Out of curiosity, what DAW are you using? And are you using your effect chan properly?
I use audacity. I dont have an audio interface. I've connected my xlr mic to my pc's soundcard through a cable. So i guess 70% problem is because of that!

And wouldn't it sound odd for e.x like I record once. Then mute the first one and record again. Then play both together and certain words are not spelled the same on both tracks or the flow is little different on both of them?
I use audacity. I dont have an audio interface. I've connected my xlr mic to my pc's soundcard through a cable. So i guess 70% problem is because of that!

And wouldn't it sound odd for e.x like I record once. Then mute the first one and record again. Then play both together and certain words are not spelled the same on both tracks or the flow is little different on both of them?

Then you need to tighten up your rhythm. People like Eminem use it all the time. Practice makes perfect
Ok I tried on a song i've written. When I played both tracks at the same time I was getting kind of robotic sound and it was noticeable that two tracks are being played. What should I do to get it sound like one?
I checked out that "Brainwashed" track. Not bad at all man. You definitely got potential. I would give you the following advice:

- Work on your rhymes. Start to use multi syllable rhymes (rhymes with more than one syllable, for example "bones broken/slow motion/Joe Rogan" to make your flow sound tighter. Listen to rappers like Eminem, Big L etc and study their rhyme patterns.
- Work on flowing more on the beat. You sound a little bit stiff right now. Try to loosen up and feel the music and the rhythm more.

Continue practicing and recording tracks. Like I said, I can def see you got potential. Keep it up!