Am I asking for troubles?


New member

I have this old laptop (Pentium 133MMX, 192 MB of Ram). Does anyone think installing my USB Duo on it for field recording is a good idea (not even multitracking. Just 2 tracks using Sound Forge or something of a sort), or will the poor machine hate me forever?

It is possible with only 2 tracks, but YES you are asking for trouble. Not to mention that it will probably take you about 10 minutes to save any kind of significantly sized recording.

Why not try it though. If it works, what a low costing but flexible alternative it could be.

Does it even have a USB port?

Laptops and desktops from the Pentium era (circa '95-'97) still didn't have USB ports.

Just to give you an idea, my friend's P133 laptop from around that time had trouble playing MP3's!!!
Yes definitely asking for trouble. But if you've got the time and a few bucks to throw at it (definitely listen to Slack and don't spend too much of either), then it's of course worth a shot. Good luck! :cool:
It does actually have a USB port, and plays MP3s with no real problem.
I wouldn't toss any amonut of money on it, to be honest. I mean, if it works, great. If not, no harm done.

I'll let you know if I had any luck.


The Win98SE on the thing refuses to recognize the drivers on the CD.
This blows. :)
