Alternative to Cubase


New member
Is there another program I can use to simply import a MIDI file, run it through a VSTi instrument, and export as a WAV file?

I've used SynthFont which is free, and works good on some VSTi's but not on the ones I need.

I've also tried MiniHost but that doesn't seem to let you import MIDI files.
I've heard that Reaper supports Midi and VSTi's, but I haven't tried it. Cubase SE is only $100 ($150 for the new SE3 version) and works great for VSTi's.
I actually heard the opposite, that Repear has poor/no MIDI support.

I downloaded it to check it out. I'll have to spend a little time with it later to try and figure it out, but I'm still open to other suggestions...
You're right, it does have good support for VSTi's/MIDI. I wish I would have known that before.

Maybe I'll just switch to this program.