Alternative rock please comment :)

sounds pretty good, but I think the snare should come up a tiny bit while the lead vocal should come down just a smidge

but otherwise, really cool!
The bass guitar is pretty lound compared to the drum track. The vocals are really loud when they come in. They could maybe come down a tad and the drums get a little lounder and more defined. I 2nd the snare, it is really soft. It's pretty decent though overall, just some things here and there that could help it out.
wow I love that bass sound. Killer chorus with the detuned guitars, nice hook, could listen to that all day
Good clean recording. I agree with the other poster about the vocals being a tad lower. Also I thought the drums sounded a little weak. Loved the bass tone as well.
as the guys said already bout the vox being a bit high, singer has a good voice, i would also take down the harmony IMO they should'nt over power the main vox and they are just a little and the snare is a little too low

really nice sound on the bass and guitars

over all great song
I think the Vox are fine. The Snare's the only thing that I think is flawed - - - needs to be turned up a few db.