Allen & Heath System 8 or Tascam m320...or...


New member
I'm going to be setting up an 8-track all analog studio in the next couple years, and have narrowed down my choices for a console to either the A&H System 8 16-16 or the Tascam m320 (or m312).

Does anyone have experience with either and recommend one over the other? I'll likely pair it with a Tascam 38-8 or 80-8.

I also could go the all-in-one route, and pickup a Tascam 388. I know the limitations of the 8-track 1/4'' format vs 1/2'' but, I've used one before and think they sound just great.

Ive had both and I can sy without hesitation the system eight sounds better. The features are similar but the sound of a system eight is a cut above. And as a matter of fact I used them with a 38.