allen and heath system 8 console-


New member
Man, anybody use one of these things? I've got one (got it on loan, option to buy for a grand from a friend who'd upgraded; it's a 24 channel, 8 buss w/meterbridge-VU's, baby!) I have to say I couldn't be more pleased with it sonically!

I'm just wondering what, if any drawbacks any other system 8 vets might've found with it; I'm just still tracking my first project on it. I find the pres on this thing to be really nice; fairly aggressive in the midrange (although not overbearing in any way) with nice, musical (but not surgical) EQ. It's quiet noise-wise, good headroom...

I can't for the life of me find anything wrong with it. Anyone else have/had/or know anything about these consoles?

The only thing I know for sure about them is that they were extremely popular back in the 80's with a lot of smaller to medium budget professional recording studios.

I have a lot of the Mix magazines from that era of time and they would do a studio listing service where different professional studios would list all of their equipment and services for the directory and your mixer came up quite often for a lot of the guys running 8 and 16 track music production and sweetening studios.

If it was good enough to make money with then, it would probably still hold up well for a home project studio more then adequately today.

Cheers. :)
Well, looks like I lucked into a nice board, then. I THOUGHT so, but I've never owned a nice console myself-just smackies.

Thanks for the input!

system 8

I've had one for 12 years. The only problem I have is the pots get dead spots and need cleaned at least once a year. Other than that it's the cleanest analog board ever