Allen and Heath GL2200 Direct Outs


New member
Not sure if this is in the right forum or not but anyways, I have a 16 channel A&H GL2200 and I'm looking to make the direct outs of each channel pre fader rather than post. I would also like them to be pre eq but that isn't as important. I have looked at the manual which doesn't really say what to do, it just shows a few diagrams that I don't completely understand and I've looked a bunch online and haven't found anything helpful. I'm not a pro at servicing electronics but if it's not too difficult I can probably do it myself. Before I take my mixer apart, have any of you done this to your A&H mixers or do any of you have any information on this?

Here's a link to the manual.
Page 25 has the diagrams.

It says it's possible. you're going to need to re-solder connections on each strip. I'd contact A&H for the service manual reference.
I contacted them and they did get back to me through email but told me if I was wondering how to do it I should have a repair center do it. So I took it apart and figured it out myself. It was a pain to do.
You'd think they'd freaking use Jumpers, you know...? I remember having our old Soundcraft board pulled out of the console for what had to be the better part of an entire day so a tech could re-solder connections on each strip just so the meters would read post-fader. JUMPERS people. JUMPERS.