ALigning tape tracks to pro tools grid?


nothing but a harp
I have been getting alot of overdub/mixing work from producers that do basic tracks to tape and bring me wav files including the click. The click was generated by a alesis drum machine. Does anyone know of any tricks to aligning the tracks to the grid in pro tools?

I have tried to print the pro tools click to a track so i could align it visually with the "alesis click" but it never works throughout the whole tune. Even at the identical BPM's there are slight variations in the click that make it impossible to get right.

Eager for a solution...
I'd say the "trick" in your situation could be - 'aligning' the grid to the tempo(beat) that is in presence of the recorded(or imported into the session) audio track (or tracks).
Check this article, maybe it will give you an idea or two. (maybe not, I have no clue)

thank you much for the link.... once i can get home i will check it out and see if that works.