Alesis SR-16 Drum Machine...questions..


New member
I have an Alesis SR-16 Drum Machine. Love it. Sounds great.
I currently have it hooked up via MIDI to my Boss BR-8 digital recorder. I'm currently using pre-set drum patterns to use with my recording ventures but I am not clear on how I can "edit" and alter these settings to come up with different drum sounds and patterns. Additionally, I'm not familiar with how to "save" or "record" a pattern on the SR-16 for future use.

Can anyone offer some suggestions ?

Thanks in advance.

Yo Bigelet:][

I used to use the SR 16; I replaced it with the Boss 770 which is super fine -- great Latin patches.

But, back to your question: you can program your SR16. Get out the manual and follow the steps; it will be awkward at first but if I could do it, so can you. You can write entire songs on the drum box and, then, save a track on your BR8 and add a few more drum licks/cymbals/crashes/etc.

Understanding the quantizing stuff is a bit thick but it won't stop you from writing your own drum sequence. As I remember, you can do a four bar loop of "many" things and, it will be automatically quantized for you by the box. You need to read the manual and push the buttons -- it won't break.

Good Luck,
Green Hornet
Hi Tel

Like G.H. says, the best way to learn is to get in the manual and just play with the machine - but here's a couple of starters.

1. Go to Chapter 3.3 (Copy) [I'm now assuming that you haven't created any patterns or saved any patterns into the user section - if you have, press the preset/user to have the sr-16 list the user patterns and see what user pattern is empty - this is your destination] hit the preset/user button again to go to preset pattern list. Pick a preset pattern you like - maybe a good beat, but you want a different drum kit, or maybe you like everything but the snare. Once you find a preset pattern you like, press and keep holding the copy button (chapter 3.3.) then using either the number keys to type in the empty user pattern #, or the up and down buttons right above the fill button, select the empty user pattern # where you want to put the copy. (You're still holding down the copy button, remember?) now press play - the display should say copy done. release both buttons.

Now that you have a user copy, if you want to change the drum kit, hit the drum kit button, and hit the up and down buttons to find one you like. Say you like the kit, but the snare is too loud. Hit the drumset button so the screen says drumset select. Then hit the tempo up button. You will see one of the drums, cymbals, or whatever that is in that kit. Hit the snare pad and the display will list the name of the snare drum in that kit. Hit the tempo up button again and it will show the volume for the snare, which you can change with the up and down buttons. I you keep hitting the tempo up button it will list several different parameters for that snare drum, the last will ask if you want to save the set to the pattern number you copied the original preset pattern to (chapter 4.8).

You really want to read up on chaters 2, 3, and 4 and play with the sr16 while you read them. Once you create a few patterns and edit some drum kits, it will come easier.

Have fun

Yo Mutt:

Nice succint post. You should get into writing manuals, especially for Yamaha!!]]

I hope you didn't scare the hello out of Telegib.

Green Hornet:D :D :p
We should form a 12 step...


I have had the SR16 for a few years now and I mainly use it with my MD8 (minidisk 8 track) for just messing around. Havn't recorded too seriously this last year (school and shit) but whenever I do I really get frustrated with the limits of the sound and patterns. I am into hard intense music with nice think guitars (ala Metallca/Nickleback etc) and lots of drums and fills.

For some reason it just doesn't float my boat like i used to.
I tried sequencing some stuff with Cubase a while ago and I just couldn't get the connections right (got no imput at all) I am gonna try again with a diff computer/soundcard this week (who knows maybe it will work)

I was just wondering what tricks you guys use to keep the SR16 fresh sounding? program tons of intricate stuff? keep changing the kits? add effects (Compression/verb)?

Please share
Yo SIR of Riffs:

As I recall, there is an A/B button and a "fill" button on the SR16. [There is because I just looked.]

This would give you some variation in a tune by punching the buttons while playing. I always do the drums and chords first; it leaves the left hand free to punch buttons.

The Boss 770 has a similar a/b shift; on many of the patches there are two modes of drums; usually the second mode will intensify the beat, especially on the Latin patches. [I haven't gotten around to all of them yet.]

So, other than punching out a step-recording of exactly what you want from, say four bars to four bars, which takes longer, you do have the options of a/b shifts and the fill button.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Green Hornet