Alesis QSR mod wheel tweaks


New member
:facepalm: I am pretty darn embarrassed to admit this, but after 12 years or more using my Alesis QSR rackmounted synth module for recording and playing live, I still am pretty much clueless on how to enable Mods 1 thru 6, or any other Mods A-D to use the mod wheel for volumn control and nix the LFO (the default). I've been through the user manual, it seems, for endless hours, can't get the right settings and keep going in circles, wasting precious time.

If there are any hands on studio rats or people who have made these tweaks to the QSR it would be well appreciated if you could give me a few pointers on what I'm possibly missing for mod wheel set up in general. (preferably before I go get my Taurus 145 and end my misery - just kidding. I'd use a smaller caliber to avoid a mess for my landlord):D
