Alesis Monitors?

Gee guys, I don't know... Active MkII's for only $399.00

I'm kidding - ICK! Oh, you can do soooo much better...
So you guys really like Alesis Monitors, huh?

Could you guys make a "pro recommendations" for monitors. Maybe in three ranges? Sub $500, Sub $1000, and Sub $2500 (street price). Any higher than that, and they darn well better sound good enough to cause a .......Atleast for a home studio, those three ranges should cover just about anyone.

500; m-audio bx-8
1000 M-audio with sub (second hand or something?) or event 20/20bas
2500; blue sky system 2.1, or even adam's come in the picture (Adam's seem to be the shit... never heard em though...)

But really, in the 2500 range a lot of good things can be bought...
If you are just starting out and want basic and cheap. Behringer Truths $300
U.S. I can't say that they are fantastic but I'm not going to say that they are not. All I know is that my mixes translate very well since I've been using them. However if you do decide to try them out make sure that you can return them as there have been reports of "lemmons" that arrive dead or blow within a couple of hours. I have not had any problems so far.
If those sound HALF as good as the original 8.2's, they're worth four times that price. :eek:

Well, if they really only sound half as good... THREE times the price. :rolleyes:
You can find the powered M1s for $299 I believe.

I think yeeck might be a fair statement especially if you set them up next to Blue Bears Adams, but in the $400 range they are surely better than computer speakers - I'm assuming your price range reflects an upgrade from a lesser model or computer speakers. Maybe you're looking for a 2nd pair of monitors - in that case then I don't know if these are what you want.

It also matters greatly what you have ahead of the monitors coming from your DAW - I just got a DAC-1 and am about to set up my sound room again (I've been moving) and will throw the M1's on just to see what the improvements are - I think the clarity in the mids will be night and day - we'll see. I think I'll end up with a Dynaudio BM6A pair though - I'm about 2 weeks away from that step. Then the M1's will probably go into the home theater.

These guys are double bass ported too so I guess that means they leverage all they can to get the bass to balance as well as possible from the confines of the cabinet size they've chosen. You EQ the bass and lomids (< 300 Hz) by stuffing the ports and positioning within the room and room acoustic adjustments (as with any monitor).

So I can say I haven't really heard these guys yet since stuff in my chain just wasn't providing a great signal - the DAC-1 should fix that - but still these guys are $300 monitors so they won't stand up to Adam, Mackie, or Dynaudio that are in a different catagory and I just don't know if they have enough detail and balance to get masters to translate the way I want at this point. They are a heck of a lot better than computer speakers and would be the next rung up the ladder - I'll say that.
These are to be my first set of monitors. Mostly going to be used for vety heavy stuff in the punk/hardcore/metal vein with some hiphop/Rap sometimes
I use an Alesis ProLinear 720 pair and I must say they are just great ! sure for their fairly low price (700$ pair amplified).

Do you really think they are no good ?