Alesis m1mk2 or wharfedale 8.1...

I'd go with the Alesis out of those two. They have a 6.5" LF driver which is pretty small but the Wharfies is only 5"! I don't think this will give you an accurate idea of what's going on in your low end.
I have never heard the Wharfdales, but I do use the Monitor One MKIIs and Like them alot. I am interested to find out more about the Wharfdales as they are becoming very popular.
thane1200 said:
I have never heard the Wharfdales, but I do use the Monitor One MKIIs and Like them alot. I am interested to find out more about the Wharfdales as they are becoming very popular.

Yeah that's the 8.2s. The 8.1s are just too damn small in my book.
I have a pair of the Alesis Mk2's ... they're not fantastic monitors by any means (a little muddy, too much bass, no shaping controls), but they're not bad for the price ($340US, got them from GC for $300), probably the best i've heard with 6.5"+ woofers in the price range ...

However, I have yet to hear the Wharfie 8.2A's that everyone's been raving about, so if you can, take a listen to those before buying anything... but if not, I think you could do a lot worse than the Alesis.
I picked up a pair of these for £30 (US$55) on ebay. They're a massive improvement over the modern budget monitors I'd used previously (alesis M1s and event 20/20s).

They're hi-fi but are incredibly flat. Not that common but worth keeping an eye out for.
I have a pair of 8.1's. I love them to death, but I have never used them for mixing (I mix on Tannoy Reveal actives). The Wharfedales are my Ipod speakers. For listening to music they are fantastic. I imagine they'd be great for mixing too if you pair them with a subwoofer. It is hard to belive that they are only about $200 when you hear the sound that comes out of them.
I sold my Alesis monitors to buy the Wharfedale 8.2's. HUGE improvement. I recently sold the Wharfedale's to buy some Mackies. HUGE improvement. I really think the Alesis are junk.
i used to use the mkII and liked them, they are a proven budget monitor.
watch out for the hot new thing, and remember if a pair of monitors makes things you've done previously sound better than you remember it sounding,
they are not for you.
also, don't ever mix on a pair of speakers someone says may sound better with a sub woffer