Alesis 6fx, Behringer ub802, or yamaha mg10/2 hmmm


New member
I am looking at buying my first mixer and I have narrowed it down to these three. (I haven't really looked at Mackie yet. They seemed pricier.) I'm looking for input since I don't have experience using any of these or even a mixer at that. I know the alesis has effects, and I like that as long as people think the effects are decent and not just for show&sale. Thanks
Go for the Yamaha.
Word has it that their pre's are most similar to Mackie's, and much better than the Behri's.

Go for the 12/4 if you have the money.
Thanks Drummer and Leeking,

I've actually since my post gotten more set on the Alesis because it has effects for another $50 over the Behringer and I like Alesis effects. Any thoughts on a direct comparison between the Alesis and yamaha regarding mic pre-amps and other worthy features.

PS thanks leeking for the lead on soundcraft. I'm going to follow up on finding it's price tomorrow. I'm really just looking for an entry level mixer to plug stuff into so I can get better feedback when I sing. Not so much looking for incredible recording gear as I'm not at that level right now.
Yamaha it is! (most likely)

Woops, changing my mind again. I think I'm going to end up with the Yamaha 10/2. Seems reliable, flexible, and will fill my needs. Sounds like Alesis has had some problems with their boards, though have good service (and I still want to check out their effects directly before I make my final decision). Behringer just seems too controversial (questionable ethical and social issues possibly).

I would go for the Yamaha 12/4 for its sub-group outs but that's another $100 and the 10/2 will nicely fill my needs for now because I'm only looking for live feedback on my singing performance and maybe REALLY simplistic recording. I think it will be a good starter board since I'm new to all of this and it will only cost me $100. Plus I've got the Yamaha PSR290 keyboard and I've been happy with that so...

Thanks for the input and reassurance on the Yamaha.


jes said:
Behringer just seems too controversial (questionable ethical and social issues possibly).


please explain that one to me jes.......its not like they had a pig pickin' next to the PETA building. I'm not sure if they support democrats or republicans. and i think behringer makes way too much money off of americans to be anti-american. they are pro-capitalism I'm sure though
Re: Yamaha it is! (most likely)

jes said:
Behringer just seems too controversial (questionable ethical and social issues possibly).

As someone who tries to be an ethical consumer I'd say there's no huge problems with behringer. all they've done, to my knowledge, is say "we can do what you do but cheaper". the fact is that it's not true, because although there are the same number of functions as on equivalent mackies, they clearly don't make as good quality output and so, when they're half the price they are competition only when people do not want/cannot afford mackie VLZ quality for their recordings.

the yamaha MGs are almost a feature-for-feature dismantling of the behringer range, as in, there's nothing the behringers can do that the yamahas can't. that's not called copying, it's called competition.
yeah thats about right....its all competition... affordable and yet you can always take pot shots at the other brands in your price range. america at its best
Bulls Hit said:
That 10/2 also has inserts so you can squeeze in another couple of outputs if you ever need them

BULLS HIT - What do you mean by this?

REGARDING BEHRINGER - I didn't mean to be flaming or to start a flaming thread, it is just that in my review of companies that made mixers in the price range that I was looking, that there were some questions and concerns that arose in my mind about the Behringer Co and UB.

1. What's this about a lawsuit by Mackie? Did UB really steal those ideas or was it just coincidence and professional envy? If Behringer really did "steal" those ideas and designs, are they doing better now and coming up with their own innovations?

2. What's up with UB's apparent egocentricism? Have you read the UB-mixer series promo-pamphlets? It's all about UB and not much about the mixers. Maybe that's just a knee-jerk responce to the lawsuit, but who knows. If nothing elses I can't say that it makes good business practice to take so much of the credit for what would seem to be many people's (his employees) efforts.

3. What's the real cost of these "super-affordable" mixers and equipment? Ie is Behringer getting his parts supplied by sweat-shops or is he just not taking in as much profit as other major brands. I certainly don't know.

These were just questions in my mind as I researched Behringer. Maybe all the bad press is just rumors and professional envy or maybe it's partially legit. I just decided not to invest in this company by buying one of their products for now because of these questions and possible issues. I've heard good things about their products (and occasionally a few bad - earlier products) and their prices are definitely reasonable, it was just the factors about the company that bothered me. Maybe those issues have changed, are changing, or were never really legit in the first place, but for now I'm staying clear. I will, however, be keeping an eye on the company for future purchases.

i dunno the answers to your questions, but i think the third one is the one i'd be most interested in.

but then, i don't buy esso, nestlé, coca-cola, mcdonalds or gap for these reasons.

anyone got any info??
I bought the Yamaha 16/6 FX as my first board and love it!! I use it for live and recording applications, but don't record with the built in FX. If you're only gonna use it at home I'd say spend a little more and get the 16/6. I use it with a Tascam DA-38 and am very happy.
jes said:
BULLS HIT - What do you mean by this?



The 10/2 gives you just 2 channels out which means your recording software can record to no more than 2 tracks simultaneously.

However if you have a multi-input sound card, like a Delta 44, which is capable of recording 4 tracks at once, you can still get 4 tracks/channels out of the 10/2 by using the mixer's insert jacks.

However if you're seriously considering recording more than 2 tracks at once, you'd be better off going for the MG12/4
spend the extra for the extra outs ... if you don't use them you can double your group3-4 buss up as a headphones amp and do it all in one box.
Yamaha I/O Inserts as Outs?

Bulls Hit said: can still get 4 tracks/channels out of the 10/2 by using the mixer's insert jacks.

I have actually already ordered the yamaha 10/2. Since I don't plan on doing any serious recording and I just mainly want it for personal feedback purposes (monitoring), I think it will fit the bill.

BULLS HIT - I think you mean the I/O inserts right? I guess I'll just have to play around with it to become better familiarized with the terminology and components.

I'll let you all know what I think of the Yamaha 10/2 when I get it and maybe list out it's components. Thanks everyone for your inputs.

PS - I think I'm becoming a Yamaha fan as I have an entry-level yamaha keyboard (PSR290) and really enjoy it and have gotten good feedback about their mixers. If I want to do some home recording or live performance on my own and so need to buy a more complete mixer, yamaha will definitely be at the top of my considerations.

(mplnkstrat - thanks for the input about the 16/6. Out of my price range and needs at THIS time.)

another loss for behringer....ah well....never thought about looking into their ethical treatment of their employees. i figure if UPS can treat their people like shit and we still get our packages on time then behringer shouldnt be that bad. i really dont see where the mackie lawsuit would sway my opinion of how the product sounds. but its all good. I'm thinking about a yamaha also