Alesis 3630


New member
Can anyone post the mod that was in tape op? I can't find it. I did a search here and also on the net. It's not posted anywhere. Thanks for the help
I saw it today actually. It just involves snipping two wires on the board. I'll try and get a copy of the article on wednesday when I'm back at the studio adn post better directions. I do remember it says that will cause the gate not to work anymore so if you have any use for the gate you may want to re think the mod.

Thanks for the help. I am trying to get everything set up here. I am sure I am driving people crazy with questions but it's for a good cause. I'm trying to get a album done dedicated to a friend that died in a car wreck. He left a lot of music behind that we are going to completely redo (with permission) and dedicate it to him. I'm in a frenzy here lol. Again, thanks for the help Ryan Look forward to the mod.
Hey, for what its worth....
I think that mod was from 2 months ago or more and they have since had an aritcle detailing an even more extensive mod than that.....


The second 3630 mod discussed in the magazine was the one you can purchase from Black Lion Audio.

By the way, those are only .txt files so that I can link them directly from geocities. If they don't open in your browser then open them in a picture viewer, they should be fine.