album cover software....


New member
hi all, im just finnishing a 10 song cd, am wondering if anyone knows of some type of software or something to desing an album(cd)cover . id like to use a digital photo and the usual tex. thanx
Hmm all i can think of that i use is Nero...You can import any picture and size it to the type of cd or insert you need you can also add text. If you want to do the phot work all in one probably Microsoft Picture It! or The more expensive adobe Photoshop 7 which is a totally awesome product. Hope That helps
If you just want to burn CDs and fix up jewel box packages to hand out to friends, you can use the CD Stomper software which prints on precut stock to fit the boxes. If you are having a CD duplicated the outfit you are working with will have templates for the particular packaging you want (jewel box, cardboard sleeve, whatever) but that only ensures your artwork will fit the format. It doesn't solve the problem of generating the artwork in the first place. The only way to get good results is with a decent scanner and something like Photoshop. I do a lot of graphics work, including the occasional CD cover, and it's like recording: it takes some effort and some expense to get to where you want to be with it. Likewise, there are fast and dirty programs out there that may satisfy you.
Agree with lpdeluxe.

If you're planning on putting out 1000 or more, go with a pro to design your graphics. You'll have a better looking product and that will help you sell more, so it will pay off.