Album art is now completed


Well-known member
I just finished drawing the cover for my album that will be coming out in a few more weeks or so and wanted to see how you guys respond to real art work. It's mostly free hand drawing, but I used photo impact to make it looks super old school.

I know this is amazing and stuff, but feel free to be honest. I would like to know how YOU feel when you look at this album cover and if it causes any kid of emotional reaction when you view it. Thanks for taking the time to post!

The Horror From Uranus
It's childish, stupid, amateurish, and obscene. I love it.

Seriously though, it reminds me of Anal C.unt. You know who they are, right?
You messed up one thing though - album art needs to be square. It's gonna distort when you try to fit it to CD dimensions, unless you leave it in that format and just have blank space on the sides of the cover.
The butt monster is holding some intestines. Although as you've noticed it does look like a big old fat one in his hands hahahah.
Yeah this is kind of a test to see how it would come out. Basically I took pics of my drawings with a web cam which looks really shitty, but when I edited in photo impact, it came out very usable.

I'm going to scan the art properly and redo it a with a little more care, but at least I know It's workable. So, this is probably not the final version, but it wont really be too different form what you see now. Just brighter and more defined.
Yeah this is kind of a test to see how it would come out. Basically I took pics of my drawings with a web cam which looks really shitty, but when I edited in photo impact, it came out very usable.

I'm going to scan the art properly and redo it a with a little more care, but at least I know It's workable. So, this is probably not the final version, but it wont really be too different form what you see now. Just brighter and more defined.

That's all fine and dandy, but it needs to be square.
I know home boy. Which I had done as you can see in the pic below it looks a little weird. I'll worry about that once I scan the art into my computer.

Fine & dandy but you'll need to address the thin white cut out line around the images. Either make it broader, diffuse it or remove it.
I'd also move the intestines a bit or draw them coming clearly from the ripped open gut so that you don't cop flack for **** from the Mothers of America.
Oh, remember the dimensions of a front cover of LP & CD are essentially SQUARE without being old fashioned!
LOL Glad you guys all love my art work. The thin white line comes from the bucket filling the background black lol. I don't plan on making too many changes to it. Art and rock n roll in general doesn't have to be pretty.

Matter of fact if anything I plan on adding more defects as a part of the design :cool:

It's a butt monster it's got an Eye ball where the butt hole should be (The Brown Eye). An open sharp tooth mouth in the chode region which is that area of skin between the balls and the anus. After all that, why would I worry about the intestines looking like a big penis? LOL