akg c3000b


i was just playing around with one....and i can get an ok sound but i was a little suprised at how it tends to be boxy ...not harsh as people say ...maybe its faulty?

i find that all the tone is there but it needs a fairy severe eq s curve favouring the top end to get it it flat...

is this the norm for this mike or are my ears shot???

generally are mikes of this sort supposed to give a flat response right off or do they need some serious help in the eq dept?

cheers for any feedback.
ok ...so would i be right in putting this mike in the ....good as long as you eq it ..category???????? .....in fact if that was the norm i would live with that ....i think its all there but i wish akg had built some kind of flatening circuit into the hardware instead of forcing me to boost the high end everytime...