AKG C1000S and AT3035


New member
My band bought these three mics for just under $525 CDN. Despite what I've heard about the 1000's, we're all pleasantly surprised. Plus the AT3035 is just excellent for vox and guitar. I HIGHLY recommend these to any bands that are looking for decent mics and aren't willing to spend very much.
shinealight said:
My band bought these three mics for just under $525 CDN. Despite what I've heard about the 1000's, we're all pleasantly surprised. Plus the AT3035 is just excellent for vox and guitar. I HIGHLY recommend these to any bands that are looking for decent mics and aren't willing to spend very much.
If you're not accustomed to using condenser mics, it's easy to mistake peaks in the response for extra clarity. It may take a few months to realize a mic has a problem if you're not familiar with this type of microphones.

"HIGHLY recommending these to any bands" may be a disservice if you don't have a lot of experience with other similar mics. On the other hand, I'm pleased to hear they're working well for your needs.
I agree with Harvey. IMO, you can get better mics than the AKG C1000S's and for less money.
The other night I saw a Celtic band at a local club. The bodhran (Irish frame drum, notoriously hard to mic) player used a C1000S. It sounded really fantastic. Maybe the mic performs well in its niche, even if its niche is really narrow.
mandocaster said:
The other night I saw a Celtic band at a local club. The bodhran (Irish frame drum, notoriously hard to mic) player used a C1000S. It sounded really fantastic. Maybe the mic performs well in its niche, even if its niche is really narrow.

The C1000 gets bashed all over the internet, but in fact it isn't a bad mic. It isn't great for OH micing, but it can shine on distorted guitar amp, percussion, woodwinds and a number of other applications.

It sucks on piano and like DJL says, you can buy better mics for less money these days.
Compared to other mics we tried in the store for that price ($130 each, CDN) they were the best. We needed some condensers for overheads and brass, and these are working great, nothing like the Oktava Mk012's, but still, for about $90 US, that's a deal you can't pass up.

And I suggested them to bands who are in need of decent mics for a low price...not to people who have the cash for better mics.
I think the 2000 is okay (per Richie) I don't think you can find a 4035 anymore....it was a special edition 4050, which is a great mic but neither is in the price range. I just think there are so many other mics that are more useful than the c1000s at that price point