Akai s6000

joe mama

New member
OK, I am pretty new to making home recordings. I haven't had experience with a lot of equipment (mainly due to a lack of funds). Anyway, I wanted to ask: What does the Akai s6000 sampler do exactly? I assume that it is a way to sample sounds and compile then into beats, rhythms, etc. But how does it work exactly? Again, I have zero experience with samplers. I'm not even entirely sure of their purpose.

Also, if I did want to get one, where might I find one, and about how much would it cost?

Sorry for being a Noobie, but we all gotta start somewhere!
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sample sounds and compile then into beats, rhythms, etc. But how does it work exactly? Again, I have zero experience with samplers

Not quite. A sampler just takes sound files and uses them for every key you press. the 6000 is dope but you may want to get your head around a softsampler since the akai has no sequencer built into it and the learning curve is fairly high if you want to make your own kit for it.