Akai Gx-4000d?


New member
my neighbor just gave me one of these in pretty perfect condition and i'd definitely like to start using it soon. as i have no experience in reel to reel analog, i'd like to know how i could use it in my recording process. i also got an old anlog mixer as well. currently i've been recording in digital on a BOSS br-1180 and wanna use these analog components i've procured. what would be the best way? i mic the all instruments, so i was thinking i plug the mic into the mixer, then the mixer to what? the BOSS? where can i use the reel to reel. i know theres alot of technical knowledge on these boards, so hopefully someone can help out a newbie like myself!
I might sounds very rude now, but haven't you asked this several times already? :)

The Akai GX4000D is a stereo 1/4" reel to reel tape deck, right? You can use it as a mix-down deck to get some analog tape compression and other analog inconsistencies into the sound.
i've asked several VERY closely related questions, just the equipments been a little different in each. just need some clarification man! i dont know what i'm doing......yet!
Well, 2-track tape is 2-track tape, and you pretty much use it the same no matter what. It's just the quality that differs.