agrivating stereo issue on my 1210


Jitens Half Brother
it simply sometimes happens that the left stereo channel loose about 9 db in volume... and i have a gig in two weeks!!! :eek:
not good... has anyone ever experienced this???
1) Do you wet the back of your headsdhells before you screw the onto the tonearm.

2) What kind of headshell/needles do you use?
i wet 'em, yeah, it's ortofon...if it was my patch cords then i bet the entire left channel would vanish... :( :'(
If you wet them, you need to use alcohol (preferrably Isopropryl, the higher the percentage the better). ;)

Plus....... the Ortofons that are an all-in-one piece are not good for your tone-arms. Purchase the Ortofons that attach to headshells. ;)

Good luck my brother. :cool:
i use concorde... nightclub e... i'll try that alcohol thing, cause damn, it be bugger to loose the lest channel at the rave...