Afternoon of a faun

Wow...I am listening in awe:o
This is real music, no other way to describe it. I love classical and you really prove your ability here. Those violins sound sweet. The simple fact that you play with sheet music is astounding enough for me, because I can't read a single note!

A truly great piece. Reminds me more of French or Tuscan countryside than Brokeback Mountain though:D

That's more like it, it's awfully gay music.:D It's my softer side.:o

Oh, shut up. It's lovely, tranquil, and quite heterosexual. That is a lovely flute patch; they are SO hard to get right, especially the attacks, but this is a really good one!

And Jesus, it's complex, masterfully worked out, and really sonically even and enjoyable. The ony way to improve it in my opinion would be to hire an orchestra.

Though, it's a cover, so it's bollocks. :D

Damn, man, this is a rock solid keeper, unbelievable respect fore the sheer work you've put in. WOW. What texture.

I wonder if a pan flute in there as an almost subliminal subtext would fix the perceived attack problems on the regular flutes...


Sorry I'm so late to this party...I've listened to it numerous times and just realized I didn't post. I hope you've rec'd enough specific feedback--because I don't have anything to add. I just want to say that your music is what my classcal-ish :-)D) passages hope to be when they grow up.

I can't get over the depth and texture you achieve with your arrangement, mix and choice of patches. Just wow!
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actually for me david i was thinking that it's more of a release than an attack issue... maybe try a shakahochi (sp?) jap wooden flute... ever seen kill bill vol 1 ??? there's a scene where gal is coming down a hall way whistling then it morfs into the tomitaesque flute... that's essentialy just some sine waves... could be an interesting treatment...
Thanks for listening FS, Joey, Llarion, WhiteStrat and demented.

I wonder if a pan flute in there as an almost subliminal subtext would fix the perceived attack problems on the regular flutes...

I did something like that. I doubled it with another flute then put a pad way in the background. Actually I made quite a few changes to the piece, thanks to the swell comments here. I won't repost, I will let this one sit for a while and come back fresh.:cool:
The wife and kids are asleep. I'm sitting in the studio with just the lava lamp on and drinking a glass of white zinf... and listening to this. It doesn't get any better.

Thanks man.