After almost 4 months of NOT doing this... your comments please

nice clean bass sound.. good driving groove to the song.. good guitar solo!

sounds like theres a lot of reverb on the guitars.. preference wants less.. I'm hearing a lot of mp3 artifacts for some reason.. especially on the cymbals.. the vocals could be better.. sounded better when he pushed harder.. the pitch wavered in the softer parts.. the music sounds very live.. If this was a live recording I would say it sounds great, but if it's tracked I would try to make it not sound so live.. especially the drums.. it's cool to have real drums, but they should sound better.. guitar tone sounds a bit bright and maybe a bit out of intonation... cymbals may be a bit loud.

cool song..

Unfortunately, that is tracked.

- On drums, I put reverb on those drums, is it suggested that I take em off or make it drier so as to make them not sound live?

- Aside from adjusting reverb and delay, what else can you suggest to make the guitars sound more not live? Do you suggest some equalization to cut the brightness?

Thanks for listening and thanks for the suggestions :)
sorry man, I only know how to complain.. I'm not sure how to fix it but maybe someone else may have some tips.. I think the mp3 artifacts are doing something extra bad to your cymbals.. I would bring down the brass and try to add some meat to the bass drum.. maybe a little more bass to the bass even though I like the bass tone.. It doesn't sound terrible by any means though..