Afraid of me


New member
Hi,I am new on here and thought maybe you guys could check out my recording I did with my band in my little studio.Guitars,bass,congas.We are an acoustic band and on the recording I play most of the guitars and sing the vocals.The synth part is my Roland gr20 connected to my Taylor 310.I use it live for the most part thought it was cool in this song.I know it needs some work,The bass louder?Let me know what you think.

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Really good, very well written song and interesting. You guys have your own distinctive sound also. I would change two simple things: raise all the vocals equally 2-3db, and raise 85hz (medium Q) on the bass 3db. Really enjoyed the listen! Great work.
Thanks so much for the comments.I dont really have anybody to bounce things off of.My friends think everything is perfect no matter what we do.That is a good and bad thing.I will remix with those suggestions.I guess I heard the same problems you guys heard,I just needed to hear an honest opinion.I am gonna post another if noone minds to get some more tips.I hope I dont drive ya too crazy with me pulling your ears.
Good song; good sounds. I like the mix as-is...except that the congas are too in front of the rest. MHO