
Mick Doobie

Afghanistan has been liberated from an oppressive regime that

Forces face coverings
Tears down historic statues
Condones the genital mutilation of children

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Man I have been listening to some 2018 talks by Lawrence Wilkerson with regards to Afghanistan and the REAL motives the powers that be (and don't give a shit about John Quincy Public) had. Kind of makes me want to well you know...kind a wanna puke... It is so beyond our power to get the spiraling asshats in power under control..scary shit...It sickens me to think of my precious grand sons having to fight in a war fueled by the greed of so few......Or my Kids and their families huddling in some blown away building for shelter waiting for the end.... It may never go that way and I pray it doesn't but hearing what this guy has to say sure has me spinning...

I am not a conspiracy theorist. But, this makes sense.

Biden is old and seems to be senile. He's shit happy to be President. The uber liberal side of the Dems would love to have Harris replace him. But, he ain't going down easy. So, Harris' team put a bug in Biden's ear that we're wasting money in Afghanistan, pull the troops. So, Biden takes the bait, makes this fucking disaster in Afghanistan without a blink of an eye toward getting Americans and all the Afghans that helped us all these years out.

CNN and MSNBC are reporting on the horrors. They're the liberal team members. At this point, they'd loose the little credibility they have left, if they didn't cover it. But, it's bringing Biden down. Harris and team are getting ready to pounce. They have to work fast. Once our troops are gone, you won't hear about the rapes, murders and catastrophe that will make our war there all these years seem like Disneyworld on any liberal MSM station.

Higher gas prices, shortages on things there should be no shortage of (we went to a restaurant tonight and they had no CHICKEN. They said they can't get any.) Prices of everything is skyrocketing. THANK YOU President Biden.
Remember Bachman Turner Overdrive......

I love them. I didn't know till a few years ago Bachman was the driving force behind The Guess Who, another band with excellent material.

I looked him up years ago, and I just missed his show at a NYC club. He hasn't been back since.
The US government is an embarrassment and a disgrace. The current administration is not fit or up to the task, idiots and buffoons. The focus is entirely misguided, to say the least. Everything done only serves to make matters worse. The goal being to undo policy of the previous administration no matter the cost is not sound governmental policy, it is not rational, even in the context of partisan politics. It harms the country, and the people.

Social engineering is not the purview of the federal government, particularly when there are more pressing matters which require attention. The entire month of June leading up to the exit of the US military from Afghanistan, rather than getting a plan in place to address all possible contingencies, apparently a priority was to raise the gay pride flag above the embassy in decidedly non "progressive" Kabul, Afghanistan. Virtue signaling Idiots.

I could almost feel sorry for Joe Biden, given his diminished cognitive state, but I do not. He has been an ass his entire career in government. Even Barrack Obama was quoted as saying to never underestimate Biden's ability to fuck things up. Now, here we are. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe he is in whole or even in majority part in charge, however he was complicit in placing buffoons at the levers of power and decision making.

Either he is too in a state of diminished capacity to understand, or he is being lied to, or he is being kept out of the loop and lacks motivation to stay in the loop, or he is simply the same old Joe....inept and incompetent.

Does really matter which? The fact remains, we are in a really bad, bad place.

But, hey, no mean tweets. Hooray!
The US government is an embarrassment and a disgrace. The current administration is not fit or up to the task, idiots and buffoons. The focus is entirely misguided, to say the least. Everything done only serves to make matters worse. The goal being to undo policy of the previous administration no matter the cost is not sound governmental policy, it is not rational, even in the context of partisan politics. It harms the country, and the people.

Social engineering is not the purview of the federal government, particularly when there are more pressing matters which require attention. The entire month of June leading up to the exit of the US military from Afghanistan, rather than getting a plan in place to address all possible contingencies, apparently a priority was to raise the gay pride flag above the embassy in decidedly non "progressive" Kabul, Afghanistan. Virtue signaling Idiots.

I could almost feel sorry for Joe Biden, given his diminished cognitive state, but I do not. He has been an ass his entire career in government. Even Barrack Obama was quoted as saying to never underestimate Biden's ability to fuck things up. Now, here we are. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe he is in whole or even in majority part in charge, however he was complicit in placing buffoons at the levers of power and decision making.

Either he is too in a state of diminished capacity to understand, or he is being lied to, or he is being kept out of the loop and lacks motivation to stay in the loop, or he is simply the same old Joe....inept and incompetent.

Does really matter which? The fact remains, we are in a really bad, bad place.

But, hey, no mean tweets. Hooray!
These people helped the US for years. There are vets on the news saying they promised they would get them out if needed. Now, we've basically set it up for them to be slaughtered. This administration should be ashamed of themselves. But, they're not. The MSM has their back. In the end, it's going to cost US lives. Because karma comes around. You can't use people like that, watch them die and not expect it to come back on you.

I'm more and more thinking, my conspiracy theory of Harris isn't so far fetched.
If a US contingency force had been left in place as even in part symbolic in providing stability, such as we have in S. Korea, it is entirely possible the Afghan army would not have crumbled as it did. The Biden administration ordered the abandonment of Bagram Air Base essentially in the dead of the night only for the Afghans to discover in the morning light they were on their own.....this would include the army as well as those Afghans who have helped us through the years. Biden administration even refused a plan for maintenance of aircraft. The US military forces rely on air superiority as support for ground operations. Therefore, that is how US military trained the Afghan army to fight. Now those aircraft are in the hands of the Taliban. I can sympathize with the Afghans who helped us. However, when Biden was questioned whether he would prioritize evacuating US citizens, although realistically his administration has no real plan to evacuate anyone, he indicated he would not first prioritize the safe evacuation of US citizens . There will be no America first for the Biden administration, in case it has escaped anyone's attention. Surprised?

Now they're willy nilly loading planes out of Afghanistan with hundreds upon hundreds of people, apparently with little concern who they are evacuating out of Afghanistan...and no doubt coming to a neighborhood near you. But just as at our southern border, that is par for the course, hell with rule of law and security for the American people, and just throw billions of dollars at the problem. Hell, the Biden administration will be shipping the Taliban pallets stacked high with money as ransom, if they aren't already.

Leading up to the withdrawal the Biden assured US citizens in Afghanistan everything would remain stable. No problems. Things went to shit, and those citizens were then told to shelter in place, fill out an online form and at some unspecified point we will get back to you. Don't call us, we'll call you. It then became apparent there was absolutely no plan to get those people out, approximately 10-15 THOUSAND people. Biden and company then sought an agreement with. the. fucking. Taliban. to allow US citizens safe passage to the airport, and put out the word to make your way to the airport. There are reports of US citizens being beaten by the Taliban enroute to the airport, and in addition the crushing crowds it result in them returning to their place of origin to again shelter in place. In an interview Biden said he knows of no difficulties in US citizens getting to the airport, while at the very same time others in his administration are advising citizens to remain sheltering in place. There are too numerous instances of the same bullshit to mention in this post. Either Biden is totally uninformed and not in charge, attempting damage control by lying his ass off, or just too feeble and weak to comprehend the situation....likely all of the above.

I wouldn't put too much faith in theories about Harris. Just as Biden, she has no real power and will have no real power. She was chosen, just as with Biden, because she is an easily manipulated idiot with little convictions other than superficial ambition. She has been consistently been tasked as VP with resolving problematic situations with neither the skills nor the authority to remedy. As a result her name is mud. On that record alone she's done politically. If something happens to Biden, which it is entirely likely, she'll sit in the presidency as puppet only. Hell she might even try to find a reason to resign, it seems pretty clear even as VP she's way in over her head and is really not enjoying the responsibility. Someone just might make that decision for her, in some fashion or the other. Lord help us, Pelosi is next in line.
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You are finished around the world.

Allies no longer can rely on you let alone trust you. So they will form new alliances between themselves.

Your enemies see you as weak and that is dangerous because you will be open to attack more easily.

We watched you destroy a man who although eccentric put his country and people first to elect a dodgy group of woke warrior fanatics led by a man who by your own words is not mentally capable.

Then at first chance he proves you all right and not only dumps on what America stands for, but he also dumps on his allies also.
^Unfortunately, quite true. I can't like your post, because I don't like the facts that you are stating.

After the election was rigged and stolen, the Democrats rolled out the bullshit slogans, "The adults are back in charge". Yeah, how is that working out?.....10s of thousands of illegals out of control and pouring over the southern border, out of control spending and rapid inflation, gas prices steadily on the rise,.....and now the humiliating betrayal and chaos in Afghanistan.

Another slogan, "America is back". After being left in the dark about the US exit in Afghanistan, and being unable to even reach Biden on the phone during and for 3 days after, I believe it was Prime Minister of the UK Boris Johnson who could not help but to publically question, "I thought America was back?".

Not to be disheartened, although they have given lip service to criticize the mess they could not ignore, CNN currently has a headline on their website, "Many Republicans are ready for Afghan refugees. Trump loyalists are not." Hello, are there any adults in the room over at CNN? Life can be chocked full of tough decisions. Anyone with a lick of sense can easily come to the conclusion that you can't solve the world's problems by having everyone come to the US, especially if you are unsure who it is that you are allowing into the country. It will only risk causing problems in the US. You risk importing societal ills. No pun intended, but reportedly 80% of the covid patients at hospital in McAllen Texas are illegal immigrants. Controlled immigration policy is important and necessary. You can't just load thousands upon thousands of people onto a plane from a culture such as Afghanistan and dump them in towns throughout America. One week you're roaming around the aisles of Walmart, where a week prior you were smacking your wife around for daring to show her whore face in public? But hey, how can we possibly expect immigrants to assimilate, it would appear near impossible to get some of the native born to assimilate.....because it's "patriarchy", it's "systemic white supremacy"...laws should be stricken from the books, high school students should not be tested as a condition of graduating, etc etc etc lunacy, because racism, or something.

insanity, clown world
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Well whatever happened they have been there a little over 6 months now and what a 'great start'!

So another 3+ years to go. Just wait until they have found out what happens when they have pressed some of the buttons.
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The US government is an embarrassment and a disgrace. The current administration is not fit or up to the task, idiots and buffoons. The focus is entirely misguided, to say the least. Everything done only serves to make matters worse. The goal being to undo policy of the previous administration no matter the cost is not sound governmental policy, it is not rational, even in the context of partisan politics. It harms the country, and the people.
Hardly - the only mistake they made was in withdrawing the troops on the ground before the Afghans got a chance to get to Kabel. In either case there were 300K Afghan Forces - and they just drop out of sight and did nothing to protect there space - I suppose the US should have anticipated that? In any case it looks like the Afghans want the Taliban - and for the most part the Taliban is not doing anything to the airport - and there is also a disconnect between the Forces on the ground and the Leadership - the Ground Forces are saying they want retribution - the leadership is saying no.

The place is a mess - despite our efforts over the last 20 years - building up infrastructure and helping out with the social structure - it's obvious the Afghans are bent on a given direction despite our best efforts.
Hardly - the only mistake they made was in withdrawing the troops on the ground before the Afghans got a chance to get to Kabel. In either case there were 300K Afghan Forces - and they just drop out of sight and did nothing to protect there space - I suppose the US should have anticipated that? In any case it looks like the Afghans want the Taliban - and for the most part the Taliban is not doing anything to the airport - and there is also a disconnect between the Forces on the ground and the Leadership - the Ground Forces are saying they want retribution - the leadership is saying no.

The place is a mess - despite our efforts over the last 20 years - building up infrastructure and helping out with the social structure - it's obvious the Afghans are bent on a given direction despite our best efforts.

The mistakes are myriad. Withdrawing troops before civilians? Asinine. As I said, the US military relies heavily on aerial support for ground operations. That is the manner in which Afghan forces were trained to operate. The US abandoning the airfield in Bagram for all intent and purposes in the dead and cover of the night set into motion a crumbling of Afghan forces. The US should have held Bagram airfield, offering if only and in large part a symbolic presence. I may be wrong, and I am not making light, but I believe that the total US servicemen lost in the past year in Afghanistan is far fewer than 10. Of the total US servicemen lost in both Afghanistan and Iraq, Afghan forces have suffered 10 times that number. Is lives lost indicative of a willingness to fight? I do not know. However it would appear they were engaged prior to a US withdrawal.

Culturally, I don't know, maybe we here in the US measure stability through a lens of liberty and self determination, control of our own destiny. Culturally, as in other hell holes across the globe, perhaps Afghans view stability through oppression. I can't say, but in some ways it seems to be so. If it is, what are the possible ramifications of bringing tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, millions of them here? Unbridled immigration can tear at the fabric of society, way of life, our "democracy". As I said, one week he's roaming the aisles of Walmart here in the US, while a few weeks earlier he was in Afghanistan smacking his wife around for daring to show her whore face in public. He's used to in Afghanistan women being covered from head to toe, then he finds himself in America at the beach or neighborhood pool. America's seeming idolatry with homosexuality and "transgenders" abomination before "God", and something must be done? What then?

Just as at our southern border where some who are crossing are no doubt murderous cartel connected, some being flown in planes chocked to the gills out of Afghanistan to Lord knows where ultimate destination are likely straight up Taliban, Al Qaida, or Isis. Humanitarian effort has its place, but National Security should be of paramount concern. America 1st, if you will.
I am not here to argue whether there should or should not have been a withdrawal. But clearly the manner in which the Biden administration chose to withdraw has been a shameful disaster of epic proportions.

The US, President Biden has been roundly criticized for the manner in which a withdrawal is being conducted. My understanding is UK Parliament in session condemned the Biden administration. Former Prime Minister Blair basically called Biden an imbecile. German Chancellor Merkel , Macron in France, across the board criticism and condemnation from US allies. Many stating the US can no longer be counted on as an ally.

When questioned about criticism from Allies and the loss of America's credibility on the world stage, Biden responded..

" I have seen no question of our credibility from our allies around the world. I have spoken with our NATO Allies. We’ve spoken with NATO Allies — the Secretary of State. Our National Security Advisor has been in contact with his counterparts throughout the world with our Allies, as has the General — or, excuse me, I keep calling him a General, but my Secretary of Defense.

The fact of the matter is I have not seen that. Matter of fact, the exact opposite I’ve got — the exact opposite thing is we’re acting with dispatch, we’re acting — committing to what we said we would do."

Something is seriously wrong with this picture. How more obvious could it be that this man is unfit to hold office, in any fashion, including as a mere figurehead. It is also clear that those around him know this, they insulate him from reality and policy....supposedly his own policy. Given his feeble state, he is incurious and relies on others to inform and do for him......buffoons, the lot of them. These are very dangerous times, for not only the US, but for the free world.
I hope you won't mind knowing what we on this side of the pond think. I'm from Sri Lanka, a small island nation in the Indian Ocean.

USA could not be trusted in any way. They deserted the Kurds in Syria, and deserted allies in Afghanistan. They freeze countries' savings when the government refuses to be their lapdogs. They create "legitimate presidents" in order to oppress countries. They use their media including Wikipedia to spread misinformation. They became "best friends" with the Saudis after 9/11. That's about the character.

Biden is bent on suppressing any opposition from Trump affiliates, and he is only focused on that. Kamala is ambitious as it seems, and history has so many examples the "next in line" poisoning the king in order to bring him down. It can be done by poisoning the ideas as well. Biden was only focused on Trump supporters, and someone meanwhile hit the "run away" button in Afghanistan.

As of today, some of the US "allies" are holding up (rather holed up) in one district in Afghanistan calling USA and allies for weapons to fight the Taliban. USA as usual doesn't hear them because there's no use of them now. As the Taliban has more power now, USA will rather side with Taliban, just like they did to the Kurds in the face of Turkish annihilation. And for that Biden too might get a Nobel Peace Prize just like Obama got.

At least there's one advantage here. Taiwan can think twice now when Biden tells them to stand against China. Taiwan will know that USA will be nowhere to be seen if China attacks Taiwan.

Now about Afghanistan themselves, they celebrated when the US army invaded and defeated the Taliban. But within a few years they started supporting the Taliban again. When they get some freedom they forget who gave it or how they got it. It's very similar to the refugees who flee terrorism-they go to a safe country, and start promoting the same mafia that made them flee in the first place, in the host country. When the Taliban gets back to power now they want freedom again. It's a never ending cycle.

Hope you would bear with me for talking against the holy people.
You want to watch what you are saying mate.

Lets see Sri Lanka.........mmmmmm nukes..............Right!!! ...........You could be next on the Americans invasion list.............They just need to invent a new terrorist organization that nobody has ever heard of before and the USS Gerald F Ford battle fleet will be steaming your way. (need to give it a good work out) :-)
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I hope you won't mind knowing what we on this side of the pond think. I'm from Sri Lanka, a small island nation in the Indian Ocean.

USA could not be trusted in any way. They deserted the Kurds in Syria, and deserted allies in Afghanistan. They freeze countries' savings when the government refuses to be their lapdogs. They create "legitimate presidents" in order to oppress countries. They use their media including Wikipedia to spread misinformation. They became "best friends" with the Saudis after 9/11. That's about the character.

Biden is bent on suppressing any opposition from Trump affiliates, and he is only focused on that. Kamala is ambitious as it seems, and history has so many examples the "next in line" poisoning the king in order to bring him down. It can be done by poisoning the ideas as well. Biden was only focused on Trump supporters, and someone meanwhile hit the "run away" button in Afghanistan.

As of today, some of the US "allies" are holding up (rather holed up) in one district in Afghanistan calling USA and allies for weapons to fight the Taliban. USA as usual doesn't hear them because there's no use of them now. As the Taliban has more power now, USA will rather side with Taliban, just like they did to the Kurds in the face of Turkish annihilation. And for that Biden too might get a Nobel Peace Prize just like Obama got.

At least there's one advantage here. Taiwan can think twice now when Biden tells them to stand against China. Taiwan will know that USA will be nowhere to be seen if China attacks Taiwan.

Now about Afghanistan themselves, they celebrated when the US army invaded and defeated the Taliban. But within a few years they started supporting the Taliban again. When they get some freedom they forget who gave it or how they got it. It's very similar to the refugees who flee terrorism-they go to a safe country, and start promoting the same mafia that made them flee in the first place, in the host country. When the Taliban gets back to power now they want freedom again. It's a never ending cycle.

Hope you would bear with me for talking against the holy people.
Mind if you give us your opinion? Sure...go ahead. Give your mindless....remote...never lived in a loser country that's never been anything but a wart on the world opinion. I'll defend the USA and our values and accomplishments and future till I die. Democracy can get messy.....and we don't and won't ever all agree here......and we make no apologies for that.....but one thing I think we can all say is.....we'd rather not live in Sri Lanka.

Oh...and you seem to be professing that you're speaking for all on the other side of the pond. Wow......amazing. A little pompous don't you think?Oh....good....I guess that means that no one from Sri Lanka (or the other side of the pond) will be wanting to move here. Too bad. Miss you already.

Sure I watch what I say, but if you're gonna count who say that then there's billions :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: You guys seem to believe that USA is still protecting Kurds and protecting Afghans. Last time I saw, Americans were fleeing, leaving behind their humvees :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Values? lol, running away is a value? I know that you get hurt but truth is truth guys, learn to live in shame, that's your new fate :ROFLMAO: