AdWords: Is It Worth It?


New member
Hi folks.

What are your opinions of Google AdWords?

I just launched my mixing and mastering business's Website, and am going to use up some free Google advertising. I'm wondering if any of you have tried AdWords, and how many people visited your site before one of them actually sent some business your way.

Also, I understand the general keywords and negative keyword ideas, but is there a way to see what people actually typed in the search box, that caused your ad to be displayed?

I'm worried people will see my ad after typing in something like "cement mixing". Yes, I've already added that one to my list of negative words. :) Hmm, haven't added cake mix to the list yet, perhaps I should?

I'm going to network on Facebook, Linked IN, and tons of music sites as well, but I'm attracted by all the tracking tools Google offers.

Thanks for any thoughts on this,

Adwords can be effective, but it takes a lot of time and effort to ensure you get the most out of it. You also need to be buying them pretty constantly. I doubt a free bundle is going to net you much by itsself.

Various analytics and tracking tools (e.g. google analytics) can be installed on your site to tell you where people came from. Usually, they'll break down google searches for you too. (e.g. If someone was referred to you from google analytics knows that they searched "cake mix")
I would specify all my terms exactly, not using broad search - so use exact matches like "audio mixing Denver" or "recording studio Montreal" or whatever, not "mixing" - besides people who search for the word mixing are probably home recording types.

When I used it for my company it took 10 clicks to get a phone call, 5-10 phone calls to get a sale. That is a different industry so probably not relevant to recording studio.

I would think the best way to market recording services is to get out there and meet bands and pass your card out at venues and music stores.
I've had exactly zero luck with Adwords, although I suspect it's because I haven't gotten my campaign setup optimally. It's actually quite involved to set it up. Maybe someone with some positive experience with Adwords could post some pointers here for those of us who are still figuring it out.