Advice on software for live performance?


New member
I would like advice on software for live performances. Here are my requirements:

1. Will be used to play back live samples / loops triggered by Roland SPD-S connected to my Macbook Pro via an Audio interface

2. Should support Tam Tempo - i.e. play back loops to the tempo dictated by a trigged input

3. Should be able to route specific tracks to specific output channels. For example click track to drummer's mix

4. Very very low / or no latency.

5. Will also be used to play back MIDI instruments on the computer triggered by a Roland SPD-S

thanks in advance!
From what I gather, Ableton Live is the industry standard for live, computer-based music. I've never actually used it, so I don't know exactly what it supports.

I personally use Reaper. It does support midi, complex routing, and tap tempo*. Most of what you've listed should exist in some form or another, though you might have to program** some of it yourself if you try to get too clever.

I have a friend with a similar-sounding setup who uses neither of those. I'll ask him what his setup is.

*You can tap tempo by clicking on the tempo meter on screen. I would imagine you can trigger that from midi too.
**As in write code, not as in make loops.