Advice for editing vocals? PLEASE??


New member
So i've been rapping off and on for 4 years now. I used to have a Shure SM-58 when i started out but when i stopped after i released my last mixtape (Early 2013) i decided to sell it to a pawn shop like a dumbass and i regret it every day of my life. Since 2 months ago when the music has somehow pulled me back in and i decided to start back up. I'm broke, therefore i am stuck with a PS3 Turtle Beach PX21 Gaming Headset. I know there is probably a lot you guys could say to me regarding how bad a headset is for recording rap vocals. Trust me guys i know lol It's FAR from the best thing to use. When i had my Shure SM-58 i was able to mix and master fairly well but with a Turtle Beach headset...CLEARLY it's an ENTIRELY different story. But i'm going to make a list of what i already know/have done and then i'll get on to my question

I don't want to release my upcoming EP with worse quality than my last mixtape. Especially since it has almost been a year and a half since i released it. Obviously people are supposed to get better as time goes on...Not WORSE

I have researched different ideas and what to do to make the quality a bit better and it granted i have found out some things that do help, but not by much. so this what i do and where i have problems

Software I Use:
Adobe Audition CS6
Studion One 2
Fruity Loops
And A LOT....and i mean A LOT of Waves VST Plug-Ins

-I usually record in Audition and turning my sample rate up to 48...Sometimes a little higher

-When i record (since the microphone on the Turtle Beaches pick up EVERYTHING) I move the mic as far away from my mouth as possible and vocals are still loud

-I used to ONLY record in stereo until recently. Now i try a little bit of both until i get the hang of making my vocals clear enough

(this is where the problem comes in since i am not good at all with mixing and mastering a song recorded with turtle beaches)

-After i am done recording my vocals i will go on with the editing process
i cant exactly tell you HOW i edit them or WHAT effects/VST's i use because i usually just try to go by ear (since i dont know what im doing when it comes to editing-mixing-mastering vocals into a song through my turtle beaches)

-Alot of times there is a high hissing noise (which i know is because im not using an actual mic with a pop filter) and i would like to figure out how...if possible with my mic... to use Hiss and Noise Reduction correctly so it doesn't have that VERY slight flanger/robotic sound in certain parts

-then i go on to add my effects and what-not and by time i am done i'm sitting here like WTF!? it's like SOMETIMES i will get EXTREMELY lucky and edit-mix-master just fine and my vocals with the beat are understandable with no problem at all but when i tried the same process on a different song it doesnt work. i even turn my DB by -3 and make sure that the meter does not go into the red so it doesn't distort. Basically i have sat here at times for 5-9 hours straight without moving just editing and editing and editing... and that is why i am coming here, to you guys. Since i can easily admit that i SUCK at mixing and mastering vocals recorded through my Turtle Beaches compared to how i was able to Mix and Master just fine before with my Shure SM-58 i am hoping that you guys know of a trick that could help me get my vocals much cleaner than what they are...or atleast as much that is even possible since im recording with a crappy mic. i DO UNDERSTAND i am NOT going to get studio quality vocals through my turtle beaches but i just want them to be JUST clean enough that i can be understood AFTER my vocals are mixed in with the beat. now without a beat its obvious you can understand what im saying but the quality is sloppy. I am entering a rap contest REALLY soon and want it to be clear enough for everybody to understand. I'm sure i wont win since it wont be studio quality regardless but i'm just doing it to spread my name out there a little bit... and like i said earlier... i am flat broke and am waiting, hoping, and praying that i get called into work soon so i can upgrade my equipment. So guys i am serious when i say these turtle beaches are what i am stuck with at the moment lol it sucks but it's the truth.

So guys if you would, if there is a way. PLEASE give me some advice on how to make them cleaner. if i have to i will attach an unedited clip of my vocals along with an edited clip on a beat so you can hear for yourselves if any of you need to. I really want to have atleast SOMEWHAT decent quality going into this contest so any advice at all would be GREATLY appreciated!

Thank you so much in advance guys

I'm broke,

Software I Use:
And A LOT....and i mean A LOT of Waves VST Plug-Ins
I don't understand this. How can you be broke and have A LOT.....and you mean A LOT of Waves plug-ins? They're not cheap. I'll try to address some of your other issues later. But I'm trying to understand this first.
i meant im broke (now). sorry i have been awake all night just working on lyrics. TRUST ME i understand they are not cheap A LOT has happened to me since i was able to afford what i do still have. i wasnt the only one throwing in for the plug-ins. one of my "was" friend and at the time threw in as well but he quit doing music and plus i dont hear from him much anymore. im trying to get back on my feet right now and have been for a while i'm just trying to use what i do have and get back into music in order to keep my head on straight man. It's always been an outlet for me
Fair enough, man.

-I usually record in Audition and turning my sample rate up to 48...Sometimes a little higher
This does absolutely nothing as far as sound quality is concerned. Keep it at 44. Not a major issue either way, but putting it up to 48, or even 96 won't change much of anything.

When i record (since the microphone on the Turtle Beaches pick up EVERYTHING) I move the mic as far away from my mouth as possible and vocals are still loud
I might be mis-understanding what you're saying, but the quick answer to this is: If they're too loud, tune them down. What am I missing?

I used to ONLY record in stereo until recently. Now i try a little bit of both until i get the hang of making my vocals clear enough
Are you talking about your vocals? If so, there's absolutely no reason to record in stereo. One mic=mono. It's that simple.

i usually just try to go by ear
That's a good thing. Your ears are what you need to go by.

The rest, I can't really help you with since I'm not familiar with your mic and I don't know what your room is like. Posting a sample might help others help you.

I will say that, rather than focus so much on equipment, plug-ins, etc....You'll want to look into treating your room. I'm not talking about "foam", or egg cartons, etc....Look into proper room treatment. It's one of the most important, yet most over-looked things in beginner home recording.
Thanks man, your advice is greatly appreciated. and just incase you have seen turtle beach headsets this is what one looks like with a "flexible" mic that can be moved in in direction you like so i move it away from my face as far as i can and tuning it down is a good idea haha and yes i was talking about my vocals and thank you again. even though i have been rappin off an on for 4 years setting i basically don't understand the proper way to go about mixing and mastering. i used to just use mixcraft because it was so simple but as time went on i felt like i NEEDED to upgrade my software and stuff. but thank you again for the advice.. when i try to research what i need to know for myself it's like it's explained in a way i can quite understand. and i have uploaded a preview of my most recent project to one of my music pages if you want to check it out. sorry if you aren't to fond of rap music but could u check it out for quality evaluation lol like it sounds good through my turtle beach headphones but just like any other song it sounds alot different like on my cell phone, my dad's cell phone in the car. or just anywhere else. but when played through anything else something just doesnt sound right...i love music and listen to all genres and music is something i have wanted to do ever since i was 6 years old so i take alot of pride in it and criticize myself to the max until i think its perfect... so if you would could you please check it out and let me know what you think of the quality and possibly point out any flaws u may be able to notice? it's the first song on the list "Strapped for Protection". i plan on recording my vocals again cause i dont like that tone i used in my voice in that recording.. but anyways...everything else there is from the mixtape i released when i actually had a decent mic but knew even LESS about editing than i do now haha

oh btw i checked out your music on your website. Did an EXTREMELY good job on that aerosmith cover. Dream On is actually one of my favorite songs

Kronik_X - Hip-Hop / Indie / Rap Artist

No problem, man. Thanx for the comments on the Aerosmith tune.

You wouldn't know it by my music, but I love good rap. I'm pretty old school, though. The only rap albums I still listen to are about 20 years old. Dr. Dre's "The Chronic", Snoop's "Doggystyle", and the Dogg Pound's first album.

Anyway, I'm at work so I can't listen to anything right now. But I'm sure others will be along to give you more specific help.

yes i agree. old school rap is much better than the new auto-tuned crap on the radio but alright man take it easy
You need to get a decent mic and an audio interface. You can only do so much with what you've got - if your vocals are 'hissy' and dont' sound good to you, no amount of FX are going to change that much. $100 for a mic and $150 for an interface - less if you get used equipment.
You need to get a decent mic and an audio interface. You can only do so much with what you've got - if your vocals are 'hissy' and dont' sound good to you, no amount of FX are going to change that much. $100 for a mic and $150 for an interface - less if you get used equipment.

this is actually what i have been looking at for the longest. once i get back on my feet and have money coming in i thought about getting this lil setup

PreSonus AudioBox Studio Recording Bundle | Musician's Friend
pulled me back in


Not even remotely helpful, but it had to be done.

PS: What you were saying about having difficulty controlling the levels is probably down to not having (or not using) preamp gain.
I'm guessing the headset doesn't have a control for this so you're relying on windows mixer?
An audio interface will have a gain knob on the front of it. ;)

You don't want to be too close to that mic, but you don't want to be across the room either.
You should aim to find that sweet spot then set the input levels to work with that.
I'm not talking about the fader in your recording software. You need something earlier in the chain!

Ultimately upgrading the equipment is key, but if you find a decent balance and a gain control you might get something semi usable. :)
This sounds really good bro!. I can hear the hiss and noise in the vocals. I don't hear much of these, but this really sounds like on of those hit rap songs!

Keep that hunger going and let nothing stop you.